Career Interviews

We are incredibly proud of our Year 9 students and the way they have conducted themselves during their career interviews. 


Our students completed a Morrisby Career Aptitude test last term and a team from the Australian Centre for Career Education have completed interviews with almost all of our students this week.  Given the challenge of online interviews, the feedback has been incredibly positive. One of the Career Practitioners said that "They are great young people and a delight to work with.  They will go far".


The Practitioners have also commented on how much they have appreciated the number of parents who have participated in the interviews and the great support our students are receiving.  


We would like to thank Mr Huddy and Ms McLeod for all the work they have done scheduling appointments and communicating with students and families.   The process will certainly enhance our 2021 subject selection process which will begin for Year 9 students next week.