Wellbeing Report
The second Thursday of September (10/09/2020) is R U OK? Day – A day dedicated to inspiring and empowering everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them by asking the simple question 'Are you OK?'. Now could be a great time to ask your child 'Are you OK?' and to support them in the event that they are struggling.
However, as we all know, having a meaningful conversation with teenagers can be tricky. That’s why ReachOut Australia has created resources and fact sheets which assist in helping parents with difficultly in starting up these powerful conversations. Find out how you can effectively communicate with your child and discover some practical things to try to engage your teenager in a meaningful conversation by clicking on the topics below:
How to have a great conversation
Ask questions that encourage your teenager to talk
Effective communication and teenagers
How to communicate effectively with your teenager
ReachOut have also provided useful support and fact sheets for students to make asking Are you OK? and communicating with a friends easier:
How to ask a friend if they’re ok
What to do when someone doesn’t want help
Caring for yourself while caring for others
Ms Casey Cilia
School Psychologist