Steven Quinn

Junior Sub-School Manager


It is at this point of remote learning 2.0 that we begin to feel like we are going a bit crazy and wonder how we are going to get through to the end of the term with any hair left! Well, it starts with focusing on looking after our physical and mental health. We must step away from our desks, dining tables, couches or any other form of workstation we are currently using and do something for us and not for school. The College has had this at the forefront of its efforts lately with the SRC organising several events to engage students in fun and creative activities to take their minds off the stresses of study and the Junior Sub-School population has been represented strongly in all of them. 


The JSS, supported by our SRC members, have also been organising various activities to help support the health and well-being of our cohort and have proved to be very successful and I thought I would share them with you.


Year Level Assemblies 

Think assembly and you most likely imagine a large group of people sitting quietly listening to one person standing out the front talking about something uninspiring. Well, now imagine the same group, instead this time everyone is sharing stories or jokes, bantering about football or what the best video game is, laughing or just listening and enjoying the social interaction. That is more like what assemblies have become during remote learning and for good reason. We just need to say hello and ask people how they are and speak about something other than class since we are missing that social interaction we normally get when venturing out of home.


Weekly Competitions

Little weekly competitions have been a fun way of engaging in something as a little mental break. Some of these challenges have included best jokes, writing competitions and best hand drawn pictures of Mr Quinn! Below are two of our entries. On the left was our winning entry from Claudia Katny from 7B and on the right an entry from Prince Shaukat from 7B.


I also thought I would add one of the jokes submitted in our best jokes competition, that I personally found quite funny, as a father, that was submitted by Nicholas Fowlke from 7F.


“Today, my son asked “can I have a bookmark?” and I burst into tears. 11 years old and he still doesn’t know my name is Brian” 


Morning Exercise Sessions

Mr Clarke has begun taking short morning exercise sessions to get people out of bed, their blood pumping and ready for the day. These sessions are held at 8:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are open for all Year 7 and 8 students to attend. So if you find it hard to get going in the morning, jump into a session and prepare for the day right!


The Year 7 and 8 students are working so hard at maintaining their academic progress and as I always say, should be commended for their hard work and dedication. It is now that they need to make sure they are working hard to maintain their personal well-being which is of the utmost importance.