Principal's Report

Mr Rob Bray

Many significant events have occurred during these final weeks of Term 3 at NCS. It has certainly been both a busy and productive term and I trust that you will enjoy having your children at home as they now commence a two week holiday period.

Spring has arrived at NCS!

Without doubt, the evidence that Spring has arrived at our school is everywhere to be seen! We are blessed to have such delightful school gardens and, at the moment, they are ablaze with flowers and new growth. On your behalf, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the NCS Grounds and Maintenance Team for the wonderful job that they are doing in ensuring that we have such attractive school grounds where we can both play and learn. 

Proposed new Primary playground equipment

Recently I was greatly encouraged to attend a lunchtime meeting with Mr McLennan (Head of Primary School) and our Primary Prefects and House Captains. The meeting had been called to allow these Primary student leaders to consider a number of proposals for the design of this new equipment. I was very pleased with the mature manner in which our students approached this task and were able to reach an agreed outcome. We can now all look forward to the arrival and installation of this exciting equipment in the near future. 

Primary Cross Country

This event was held on Thursday, 10 September and we were blessed with truly delightful weather. All students are to be congratulated on their willing participation and some very competitive times were recorded on the day. This is always one of the highlights of our Primary School calendar and usually there would be a large crowd of parents, carers and extended family members gathered to energetically support our students. Unfortunately this was not able to occur this year due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions. However, we are placing photographs and video clips of this event in this edition of Bytes and on our Facebook page.

Stage 3 Science Fair

The MPC was transformed into a hive of scientific endeavour as Stage 3 students displayed their Science investigative projects. Students developed key questions in relation to their areas of enquiry and then they were required to carry out experiments to test the truth of their hypotheses. I had the pleasure of touring the MPC to witness the evidence of this research. I was particularly impressed with the mature manner in which our students were able to explain details in relation to their research. 

Kindergarten Art Gallery

This is another event that is always keenly anticipated by all members of our NCS community, especially the parents and carers of our two Kindergarten classes. This year, again due to the impacts of COVID-19, we had to significantly alter how this event was conducted. Instead of having a ‘grand opening’ to which all parents and carers were invited, we could only allow two groups of parents and carers to visit at any one time for a 15 minute viewing. Nevertheless, once again, the quality of the art work on display clearly highlighted the hard work that had been carried out by both our Kindergarten children and their teachers and teachers’ aides. Well done everyone! 

Waterslea excursions

Despite our usual camps being cancelled due to COVID-19, our staff have managed to arrange alternative excursions and activities. Stages 3- 6 have traveled to Youthworks Waterslea Campsite in this last week of school to enjoy a day of outdoor activities, designed to be both challenging and engaging. 

Year 12 Graduation Assembly

This very important event, that recognises the conclusion of the formal Secondary school ‘journey’ of our 2020 Year 12 students, was held on the evening of Friday, 25 September in the Nowra Baptist Church building. The format for this event also needed to be significantly adjusted, once again due to Education and Health Department advice relating to COVID-19. These adjustments meant that our Year 12 parents, carers and other extended family members were unable to be members of the audience on this occasion. Instead, they were able to participate virtually in this event. Nevertheless, we do trust that our Year 12 students were made to feel special as we celebrated their achievements and the contributions that they had made to our NCS community over many years. We committed them all in prayer as they now prepare to embark on the next exciting stages of life that lie before them. I would encourage all members of our school community to uphold these students in your prayers as they now enter a time of study and revision in preparation for the first of the HSC external examinations that commence on 20 October. 

TAS/Visual Arts Building 

Construction work at our building site has now essentially concluded. We are very hopeful that the local council will issue an Occupation Certificate for our new centre in the very near future. Once this has occurred, this should allow us to begin the exciting process of moving furniture and equipment across in readiness for a gradual opening of facilities throughout Term 4. We will, of course, provide you with further updates during the coming term. 

Focus verse

When writing his letter to the Colossian church, the Apostle Paul spent considerable time outlining rules and guidelines for holy living. He was aware that, like all of us, the Colossians were subject to many temptations. Paul advised them to set their minds on the things of God, not on the things of this world. As our students prepare to embark on a two week holiday, it would be timely to share with them the message that Paul conveyed to the Colossian church in chapter 3 of the book of Colossians. In many ways, he summed up his message in the following verse. 

‘And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.’ Colossians 3: 17. 

I trust that whatever any of us do during the coming two weeks, that we will carefully consider whether our words, thoughts and actions are pleasing in the eyes of our God.