Parents and Friends

Coles Sports for Schools Vouchers - What a Haul!!

Last semester, the OLA community accumulated 32,580 Coles Sports for Schools vouchers! This immense number of vouchers has translated into some fantastic sporting equipment for the school, which you can see in the pictures below. Thank you to everyone who handed in vouchers and to Laura Ocello for sorting them  - it really is a worthwhile 'exercise'- pardon the pun!


OLA received:

1 x mini trampoline 

10 x agility poles and weighted bases 

2 x measuring tapes 

16 x soft balls 

15 x tee ball gloves


(click on images for full view)

Thank You Rosie

The P&F wanted to say a special thank you to Rosie Samuels for donating the profits made from coffee sales at the OLA Faction Carnival to the P&F - all $200 of them!! Great job Rosie and thank you!!!

Parent Information Session 2019

The P&F have been lucky enough to secure a presentation by respected cyber safety expert, Paul Litherland, next year on 30 April. Paul is one of Australia's foremost presenters on kids' online safety and has presented at over 400 schools across the country, including Mercedes College, St Brigid's College and Infant Jesus Primary School. Tickets for the evening session will be made available soon, along with further details. Paul will also be presenting separately to our Year 5 and Year 6 students.

Paul Litherland
Paul Litherland

Cards that Count- Deadline for orders Friday 2 November

If you are one of the many families who are participating in Cards that Count, you should have now received your sample card and instructions for ordering. As you know, there's no obligation to purchase any packs of your kids' cards, but if you would like to make an order, please do so by Friday 2 November. Every packet you purchase provides $5 to the P&F!

Contact Us

If you have anything you would like to discuss with the P&F you can contact us at