City LLEN News

St Aloysius College “The Future Me” program
Throughout Term 4 St Aloysius College in North Melbourne have been implementing “The Future Me” career development program for all Year 10 students through their Humanities classes. Andrew Smith, the LLEN School-Community Engagement Officer, met with Rosa Martic, the College Careers Coordinator, during Term 3 to support the development of the program. The LLEN have been actively involved in the program throughout Term 4.
To ensure students were equipped with the latest skills in resume and cover letter writing the LLEN organised Cherie Ward from the RMIT Skills & Job Centre to facilitate a workshop for all students across the four classes. This resulted in students learning how to prepare a resume tailored to a specific job, including how to identify their skills and strengths.
Following this the LLEN arranged for Erin Anderson Scott from Fitted for Work to present an interactive workshop for all students on how to present for an interview. The students had a great time putting together both good and bad outfits and discussing the do’s and don’ts of real-world interviews.
The program culminated in the LLEN facilitating a mock job interview program across four periods of class time. Every Year 10 student had to select an entry level job and prepare a targeted resume and cover letter. Students were then interviewed for the position by a range of professionals. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to be part of the interview process. They included staff from the RMIT Skills and Job Centre, Whitelion, The Huddle, Capital City LLEN, Kangan School Relationship Team, Slade Group and the Victoria University Skills and Job Centre. The students did a fantastic job in the interviews and are to be congratulated on how well prepared they were.
The whole program has been a great success and students have gained new skills and confidence which will assist them in participating in both part time while they continue their studies and in the future workforce post school. Discussion has already commenced on how we can build on the success of the program next year, including the possibility of a parental engagement program to equip them with greater skills and knowledge to support their children on the career journey. For more information please contact Andrew Smith at
New City LLEN Initative:Phone call practice for students
So many of our employers, teachers and students are telling us that more young people are avoiding talking over the telephone. They lack the experience and confidence to make a voice call to enquire about a placement, a job or talk to a stranger generally. Despite modern technology facilitating text messaging, emails and other online communication, most employers still require people to pick up the phone and speak!
In response to this need the City LLEN has created a new initiative, Phone Call Practice for School Students. Every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, between 2 and 4.30pm students can ring us with a pre-prepared opening line (refer to the flyer and hand out to students) and we will guide them through a conversation similar to that with an employer or if they prefer we can answer questions about courses, careers and pathways.
We look forward to your call.
Updated Information about Schools and Services in the City of Melbourne
Back by popular demand we have updated our information resources, please follow the links for our updated list of schools in the City LLEN/City of Melbourne, our updated list of Alternative Education Providers and our updated list of Youth Services:
Carlton Primary School
Our annual transition forum for students in Years 5 and 6 together with their parents was held with Drummond Street Services stepping in to provide an informative evening of information on everything the mums and dads and students need to know about secondary school. Most of the families are from migrant and refugee backgrounds so having an opportunity to ask lots of questions and learn about what to expect and how to best prepare and help their students prepare for secondary school is a valuable addition to the school year. As many of you may be aware Carlton Primary is undergoing a renovation and will/is becoming a Colman Foundation School. As part of the LLEN Network, our CEO, Louise Smith attended a presentation from the Colman Foundation – a very generous philanthropic organisation providing a holistic, whole of life cycle set of wrap around services to not only the children in school but their parents as well. To read more about the Colman Foundation and their great work for our schools via their Our Place programs, follow this link
Carlton Neighbourhood Language and Learning Centre
As part of their Community Leaders program the City LLEN delivered a ‘Know your Labour Market and Skills for Job Seeking’ session to the adults and young people participating in the program. The participants were local residents from public housing from migrant backgrounds and were keen to learn as much as they could to support themselves and other members of their community. Tag-teaming; Wendy and Louise stepped the group of over 20 people through the ‘do’s and dont’s’ and also prepared information on education pathways and other resources for the group.