Middle School Report

Middle School Report

As we come to the end of the term I would like to take the opportunity to thank students for the great start to the year. It is very pleasing to witness and hear that a clear majority of students are adhering to Lowanna College’s expectations.


Having said that, the uniform is still in some cases an ongoing issue. I encourage any families having difficulties fulfilling their uniform obligations to contact the school. This is particularly important coming into the winter months.


Lowanna has a strong focus on students achieving 100% attendance. This week at our Middle School assembly all students with 100% attendance are going into an individual year level draw to win a voucher from the canteen. We encourage 100% attendance from all students.


Year 10 exams will take place during Term 2. All Year 10 students will participate in the exams. We, as a school,  believe this is of vital importance in the development of a student’s education.


Year 10 Work Experience for group 1 students will occur from 13-17 May. Teaching and Careers staff have been supporting students to secure work experience placements. Please be aware that if students do not complete the work experience placement this could affect their humanities results. For those students who have not sourced a placement a letter of obligation will be sent home to parents.


I would like to introduce our Middle School Captains to our Lowanna Community. They are both very worthy and capable students and I congratulate them on this wonderful achievement.


Have a great holiday break and see you in Term 2 refreshed and ready to go!


Darren Mitchell

Middle School Leader