Argus Community Report

Welcome to Term Two

Congratulations to all of Preps and Prep families on the fantastic way they had adjusted to school life. We have been so impressed with how quickly everyone settled in during Term 1 and are equally as impressed with the smooth start we have had in Term 2. Term 2 is going to be a busy, yet a fun term with lots of amazing learning taking place. Please remember to wear a jacket, bring a raincoat and wear sensible shoes as the cold, windy and wet days set in.

Learning planned for Term 2 includes: 



Throughout the term the children will be introduced to the remaining letters/sounds of the alphabet. Children will participate in Literacy groups, which provide opportunities for conferencing to identify students strengths and future goals, Modelled, Shared and Guided Reading. Students will begin to build their reading strategies and comprehension skills through a range of literacy activities catered to their individual learning needs.



The children are beginning to understand that letters/sounds can convey meaning. Using this knowledge we will begin to encourage them to use this knowledge to help write short texts on familiar topics. Children will be encouraged to experiment with: 

* Attempting to write

* Using punctuation

* Writing simple sentences.  


Speaking & Listening

Children will have regular opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills throughout all literacy sessions. 



Some of the topics covered this term will be:

Number – Place Value (revision of numbers to 10, 'ty' numbers eg. 20, 30, 40, 50 etc, making numbers using materials) and patterns.  

Measurement shape – 2D shapes (recognising triangles, squares, circles, rectangles, identifying features of shapes and finding shapes in the environment) and Time (ordering events according to time of day, identifying the difference between night and day and reciting the days of the week. 

Data - answering yes/no questions about data displays including picture graphs.



Our Term 2 Inquiry Unit is 'Where’s the light?' Students will be developing their understanding of the role of light and sound in our lives and our community will be developed through hands-on activities. We will be having an Incursion where students will participate in interactive investigations to enhance their learning about Light and Sound. Please check Sentral for further details. 

Guiding Questions we will explore are: 

* How does light and sound travel?

* How do I hear and see things?

* How would I describe that sound?

* How can we sense and record sounds in our environment?


Social and Emotional Learning

In Term 2, we will continue to learn:

* To make positive choices (green choices)  

* Our Argus Community expectations We will continue to learn

* How to identify our emotions

* How our emotions can impact our behaviours 

* To display a Growth Mindset

* How to be a good friend

* Where to go when we need help.  

Take Home Books

It is wonderful to see the Prep students reading their take home readers every night. The children have the opportunity to change their readers daily. Reading take home books should be a positive experience that fosters a life long love of reading. Please continue to reinforce the weekly letters and sounds. Once students know most letters and sounds they will be given a sight work list to practice as well. 

Tips to support learning at home

If you would like to support your child's learning at home, here is a list of ideas: 

* Read on a nightly basis with your child, talk about the books read (retell the story, identify characters/setting, favourite part, make connections with the text and their own experiences)

* Practice the letters and sounds being taught each week at school 

* Use known letters/sounds to read and write simple three letter words eg. cat, pin, net

* Sing nursery rhymes, read rhyming books, identify and make up own rhymes 

* Identify sounds heard in words 

* Count up to 20 and back again (beyond if they can, maybe sing the Big Number Song on Youtube)

* Find numbers in the environment 

* Help with cooking at home 

*Practice number and letter formation 

Most of all have fun with learning at home, ensure it is enjoyable.

Notes to Remember:

* Please remember doors to the Argus community open at 8.40 and class begins at 8.50. If you arrive after this time a late pass is required

* Ensure your child has a change of clothes in case of accidents 

* Label all belongings

* Your child's reading folder and diary needs to be returned on a daily basis so that they can change their take home books

* Continue to check Sentral on a regular basis for important information.


Don’t forget to check you child’s book bag and diary every day for any important notices and information.

Sentral is also another key form of communication please ensure you have registered and check in regularley for updates and notices.


Feel free to pop in and see Fiona, Stacey, Rebecca or Ashley if you have any questions.