Executive Director

Governor General visit

Over the past three weeks our Class of 2019 students have been grasping the opportunities that they have here at MITS.  From photo shoots with the players from the Richmond Football Club, to beach outings with our alumni, it’s terrific to see each of the students settling into their new city and making the most of all it has to offer them.


As you’ll read in this newsletter, a particular highlight of last week was the visit of the Governor General of Australia His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove.  It was wonderful to witness our students stand tall and introduce themselves to the Governor General, answer his questions and ask questions of him.


I was struck during the Governor General’s visit of the significant role that he and his wife play representing us all as Australians.  And, I reflected on the similarities between his experience and that of our students.  Each of our MITS students are representatives and ambassadors for their families and communities.  They are sharing their stories, their experiences and their cultures with others and are doing their communities very proud.  It was a privilege to see our young people engaging with the Governor General and Lady Cosgrove, and it is, I’m sure, a source of great pride to the many people cheering them on at home.

Ed Tudor