Senior Team Report

Welcome back to School after Remote Learning!
It’s been a great start to school learning in the Senior School after the Remote Learning period. Our Year 12 students came back with enthusiasm and determination to not let the Remote Learning period negatively affect their last year of school. Aside from tackling their SACs, the Year 12s have a dress-up day planned on the last day of term based on some of the school’s past formal themes. We look forward to seeing what they make of the themes ‘Winter Wonderland’ ‘Enchanted Forest’ and ‘Bond 007.’
Year 10 and 11 students have also returned with a fresh approach to their school learning. Over their first week back, students completed a survey to provide us with feedback on the benefits and disadvantages of Remote Learning. In the Senior Team, we will be carefully looking through the feedback to determine what works best for students with their learning at school. Below is a word cloud of responses to the question: What is an aspect of Learning from Home that you would like to continue now that you have returned to school?
Important VCE and Year 12 Dates
As you would be aware, VCAA have now announced GAT and the VCE exam dates. The GAT will be held on the 9th of September and the VCE written exams will run from the 9th November until the 2nd December. Performance and Oral exams will be scheduled between the 12th October and the 8th November. As such there are a few important revised dates for Year 12 students. Their last day of classes will be Thursday 29th October and their final day of school will be Friday 30th October. The Valedictory will be held on Thursday December 3rd, pending government restrictions. More information about ticketing will be provided in Term 3.
Course Entry Changes
As a result of COVID-19, some universities are changing their entry requirements. We encourage you to keep your eyes out for our Careers updates from our Careers practitioner, Ms Thea Kamvissis. These updates are published regularly on the Compass news feed. Students with any queries about course entry requirements should contact Ms Kamvissis.
Year 10 Subject Selection for VCE
Subject selection for 2021 will be commencing early in Term 3. As a result of Remote Learning and current restrictions, the VCE Expo will take place online this year with videos produced by each subject available for viewing. Year 10 students will be encouraged to think carefully about their post-secondary education pathways and plan their subjects accordingly. We encourage students to take ownership of this process and to speak directly with members of the Senior team when they are unsure of the most appropriate subjects to choose.
A Few Reminders
- Students must have a fully charged laptop each day. The school does not have the capacity to loan out chargers to students every day.
- Much of our teaching and learning is reliant on students having a laptop to access resources and learning activities. Students need to bring their laptop to every class.
- Students are expected to be in full school uniform. As it is Term 2, the expectation is that students wear their winter uniform. Summer dresses should not be worn. For students that need more warmth over winter, we encourage them to wear plain white t-shirts or singlets underneath their white shirts for an additional layer.
- Non-school hoodies and runners are not permitted.
- If your child is out of uniform for any reason, please provide them with a note to explain why so that we can provide them with a uniform pass for the day.