Immunisations & School Photos

School Photos
MSP Photography will be taking our school photos this year.
School Photos have been rescheduled for Friday 21 August 2020.
If you had placed orders earlier in the year, these orders will roll over. Families can still order photos via the Parent Compass Portal. Go to the Community tab, then the Photos tab to order.
Year 7 Students have completed the first round of vaccinations, which included Diphtheria, Tetanus and Boostrix and HPV.
The second round of HPV will be given on Monday 19 October 2020.
If your child missed out on the first round, they are still able to have the vaccinations via the Whitehorse City Council Public Immunisation Program.
For more information please contact the Council on 9262 6333 or follow the link: Immunisation Date’s and Times for Whitehorse City Council
For Year 10 Students, Meningococcal ACWY is still planned to go ahead at this stage on Monday 3 August 2020.