Meet our College Captains

Rochelle Datson,  College Sport Captain Clyde North Campus


When did you start your studies at St.Peter’s College?

I started here at St. Peter’s College in Year 7 and to be quite honest I was not excited at all. It was the start to a new school life and meeting not only my cohort but the older cohorts was quite the nerve breaker for me, but once I spent some time with the peers in my tutor group and classes I became quite excited to see what the next few years were going to bring on. 

Tell us about your family?

I live with my parents and my 16 year old niece. My family is absolutely crazy but then again who's family isn't. I am the only child between my parents but I do have eight half siblings (four sisters and four brothers), however I am only close with three of them. 

Tell us about your other interests?

I love to cook as it takes up my spare time and I really enjoy it, I love to play netball it's my go to happy place, I'm  happy and stress free when playing. I also enjoy painting’ I’m always finding things to paint even if it is helping paint a fence for a neighbour.

Year 12 Studies:

I started off in VCE doing Further Maths, English, Religion, Psychology, Physical Education and Legal Studies but just recently have made the decision to switch to VCAL as the stress load in VCE was too much for me to take on and VCAL had a better pathway for me with my the career path that I want to go down.

Have you already completed any of your VCE Studies prior to this year?

No, I haven't completed any VCE studies prior to this year.


2020 College Annual Theme 

For I am gentle and humble in heart

What does this mean to you?

To me "For I am gentle and humble in heart" means that we can trust God and his plan for us, we can stop worrying/stressing over life's challenges and that it is okay for God to take the wheel at times.

How will you live this statement throughout the year in your role?

I will live this statement by knowing that whatever choices I make throughout this year that I can place my trust in God that they are the right decisions, that I can stop stressing and worrying so much knowing I have the support of peers, staff, family and God.

What are your goals for 2020?

To try make this year the best it can be, to work to the best of my ability and to make progress, offers and improvements around the Clyde North Campus in my role as the Sports Captain.

For yourself in your Captains role?

To be able to build on skills that need work on and to learn new skills that will help me later on in my future as a leader. I want to get more student involvement/participation in sporting activities e.g. Swimming Carnival, Athletics Carnival, Cross Country etc.

For yourself as a Year 12 student?

I would like to be able to say that I came out of Year 12 stronger than ever especially due to the recent pandemic and that I will be able to pass all my subjects with flying colours.


I just want to be truly and 100% proud of myself and my achievements (College Sports Caption position etc). To be happy and proud of the friendships that have formed over my six years at St. Peter's College.

What would you like your legacy to be for St. Peter’s College?

I would like to hope that the future students who get elected to this role will continue to lead with passion and will encourage others to continue to do the same, I also hope that the future college executives can expand and build on what our college executives have already produced/constructed.

What are your immediate life ambitions and aspirations once you complete your studies at St. Peter’s College?

Once I complete my studies I want to take a gap year and travel around the world as with the career path I’ve chosen I won't get accepted till I'm aged 20-21 which is the Police Force. I do however have a career pathway I can fall back on in case I decide the Police Force isn't for me; Childcare. I already have my Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and I am currently doing a traineeship for my Diploma in Childcare.

What are your long term life ambitions and aspirations?

At some point in my life I hope to have a stable job and income as I would like to pay my parents back and show my appreciation for everything they have done to help and support me throughout my high school years. I would like to do this by taking my parents overseas to a few places they want to travel too or let them go on a cruise together. I can see myself having children in the future but securing a job with a stable income.


In one sentence what would you like to say to your fellow students to convey your pride in your College?

Be proud of who you are and where you've come from. Don't shape yourself differently for someone else's liking. Stay true to yourself and never give up.



Joshua Bennett, Environment Captain Cranbourne Campus


When did you start your studies at St. Peter’s College?

I started at St. Peter’s College in Year 7 back in 2015

Tell us about your family?

I live with my older sister, my parents and our dog. Our dog is a rescue staffy and he’s the best boy ever. My sister completed VCE last year and she’s been really helpful in assisting me in some of my studies.

Tell us about your other interests?

I’m an advocate for environmentalism, but I do have interests outside of that. I enjoy skateboarding, going to concerts and at the moment I’m actually trying to learn to play ukulele in some of the free time I do have.

Year 12 Studies:

I’m currently studying Physics, Chemistry, Math Methods, English and Religion & Society, so my plate is pretty full in regard to my studies this year.

Have you already completed any of your VCE Studies prior to this year?

I completed Biology last year, and it was a really good experience to understand how VCE subjects work with SACs and exams. It was also a fun subject with a great class and an awesome teacher.


2020 College Annual Theme 

For I am gentle and humble in heart

What does this mean to you?

To me, this quote embodies what it means to be a student leader. Through no actions should one aim to seek personal glory, but rather act to do what is right in their heart.

How will you live this statement throughout the year in your role?

In every action I undertake, I will not do it for myself, but rather for the benefit of others.

What are your goals for 2020?

For a successful year in terms of academic success, personal life and in regard to the Environmental aspect of St. Peter’s College.

For yourself in your Captains role?

I really want to establish a potential compost system, which is a big goal, but I believe that with determination and hard work it can be done. I would also like to inspire members of other Year levels to take environmental action in their day to day life.

For yourself as a Year 12 student?

In Year 12 I want to be able to complete every SAC to a high level, as well as preparing for exams better to overall get an ATAR required for the course I want to do after high school.


By the end of this year I would like to be able to play a few full songs on ukulele.

What would you like your legacy be for St. Peter’s College?

I would like my legacy to be one of caring for the environment and to promoting the protection and preservation of our environment in all ways possible.

What are you immediate life ambitions and aspirations once you complete your studies at St. Peter’s College?

I aspire to hopefully get into Monash University to study Science or Biomedical Science.

What are your long term life ambitions and aspirations?

In the long run, I hope to become a doctor or get involved in a field of science where I’m able to help either people and/or the environment.

In one sentence what would you like to say to your fellow students to convey your pride in your College?

It might be corny, but the best thing to do is to be not afraid and put yourself out there, to demonstrate your pride in St. Peter’s College.