Our Community

Maintaining Connections

Welcome to our fourth edition of Our Community page, with tips aimed to help you and your family navigate some areas of your life disrupted in the COVID -19 (Coronavirus) time. Remember ‘We’re all in this together’


Here are some thoughts and activities you and your family may find helpful:

Little Reminders

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. 

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thought for Today

Let go of anything that is negative and holding you down, and always search for the positive that will help you fly. Don't waste time worrying about a life that is limited, because everything that challenges your spirit makes you stronger. 

- Lori Eberhardy

Here are some activities you and your family may find helpful

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY  Low Impact Home Workout. Check out the 15 minute workout below, no equipment needed - please click here  

Learn to Juggle. Haven't got juggling balls. No worries, grab some socks and fold them tight to make a ball shape. You can do this on your own, but why not make it a House Challenge between all of you. Please click here.   Once you have the 3 ball juggle down why not try to up your game to 5 Juggling balls - please click here.

What's next: take up the challenge of Spinning a Ball on your finger. How long can you keep it going? - please click here.   

WELLBEING  Task: Your goal is to attempt this mindfulness meditation. It's only 10 minutes, give it a try!   - please click here

Health & Nutrition - Jessica Paynter, Nutritionist & Parent


Everyday Superfoods for health and wellbeing:

As we head back to school and begin to return to our new “normal”, time constraints may make take-away and other ultra-processed convenience foods more appealing.

However, these foods can be extremely high in added sugar, salt and saturated fat contributing to inflammation and increasing the likelihood of developing lifestyle disease such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Food prep is a great way of avoiding that last minute dash for take away and having something like this Lentil Masala in the freezer ready to be heated can save on time and money as well as help to make sure you are getting more of the nutrients you need to support a robust immune system.


Lentil Masala soup 

Serves 4



Stay Well and Stay Safe