Cranbourne Campus News

St. Peter's College is buzzing once again

A school is only a shell of its full vibrance and energy without the excitement, laughter and sounds of its students. This past week the buzz returned if only just with the return of a third of our St. Peter’s College community. Somewhat reluctantly our senior students shed their slippers and dressing gowns for the maroon and gold of the College Uniform to resume campus-based lessons.


Stringent and constant cleaning regimes have been put in place, there is hand sanitising stations at every corner and in every classroom and the students are drilled in the importance of physical distancing from adults and ensuring their personal hygiene is exemplary. So the post isolation practices are quite different to what we have been accustomed to, but what has definitely not changed in my eyes, is the genuine enthusiasm of young people being able to socialise and dialogue with each other on all matter of things.


One definition of resilience revolves around the speed at which a person or organisation bounces back from a trauma or hardship. For our community we place enormous importance on not making excuses or blaming misfortune on others but rather stepping up to accept what is and taking ownership and responsibility for what can be and what will be. The measure of any post isolation community is in their speed of bounce back and their ability to learn from the experience and focus on the next move to healing and then thriving.

School Wide Expectations

This week in our Pastoral Period, the Learning Advisors and House Leaders helped students unpack, the language and concepts of the College’s new ROCKS. ROCKS represents a new set of school wide expectations for positive behaviour (Respect, Organisation, Collaboration, Kindness & Safety) and breathes life into the somewhat tired Rights and Responsibilities document. Developed over the past 12 months using data from staff, parents and students, ROCKS aim to help ensure a predictable, respectful and stable learning environment within which each student has the opportunity to meet their potential and thrive. The steering committee who was instrumental in the development of ROCKS is supremely confident that the whole school adoption of ROCKS is going to make a positive difference to meaningful school relationships and a focus on each students learning journey.


One element of school wide expectations is professional presentation. As we all ready ourselves for the whole school return to campus based learning on June 9, on behalf of the House Leaders, I remind families and young people, of the uniform presentation expectations of the College. These expectations are set out very clearly for all to see on the St. Peter’s  College  website

Uniform-Appearance-Regulations-Sept-2019.pdf  and so ignorance is no excuse. 


We would particularly like to mention the very clear rules around nose piercings, jewellery, facial hair and the importance of any hair that is below the collar needing to be tied up. On behalf of the House Leaders, I thank parents, guardians and students for your support in meetings these expectations of presentation.


Mr Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus