From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

Principal’s Reflection

Life is beginning to take some form of normality but I wonder whether the normal we once knew will ever return to us. Restaurants and Cafes are re-opening, professional sport will soon be on our screens and school returns. Whilst we can enjoy a return to some freedoms once taken for granted, not everything is cause for rejoicing. Traffic is again clogging our roads, the pace of life is picking up and time spent with family is starting to be compromised. My wish as we celebrate Pentecost is to not go back to our old ways. Pentecost, celebrated last Sunday is the celebration of the person of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus. Recognised as the birthday of the church it looms large as the point in time where Peter commences his ministry proper. It was right after Pentecost that Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, preached his first homily to Jews and other non-believers. When they asked what they should do, Peter exhorted them to repent of their sins and to be baptised. According to the account in Acts, about 3,000 people were baptised following Peter’s sermon. The apostles and believers, for the first time, were united by a common language, and a common zeal and purpose to go and preach the Gospel.


The reflection therefore today is based on the same question which was asked to Peter, What should we do? What is our common purpose? What should be our common language as we emerge from the ropes that bound us during this isolation period? I would suggest that we could do a lot worse than, smile more, love more and be more to those with whom we meet and interact with on a daily basis. I wish for all to find ways to move slowly and with purpose. All of us have a critical role as caretakers of this fragile world we live in. The COVID-19 experience should be a lesson to us all. Slow down and smell the roses!

Students Return

It was wonderful to have some staff and senior students amongst us last week and again this week. There was a definite energy in the air. During this period of remote schooling, students have found new ways of learning and teachers, new ways of teaching. The coming weeks and months will be exciting as these new learnings are shared for the ultimate benefit of students. The following are a list of reminders as students return on 9 June 2020:

  • All students from Year 7-12 are to return to school and face-to-face teaching. This will signal the end of all forms of remote schooling
  • Winter Uniform is to be worn
  • All students should bring their own water bottle as the old “Bubblers” have been disabled. Water can be sourced from new water taps using a water bottle only
  • Students should exercise social distancing wherever possible
  • Students should NOT attend school if they are sick

School Advisory Committee

Our new School Advisory Committee met a few weeks back. We have welcomed two new parents and a new staff member onto this committee. Naomi Bartlett (CLN campus) and Tim Cortese (CRA campus) have joined us as parents with Elouise Johnson our new staff representative. Elouise is the current RE Coach on the CLN campus, she was also a past student and College captain of St. Peter’s College. I thank each of these individuals for their generosity in serving our community. Profiles of these new committee members will be published in future Newsletters. The committee consists of the following:

  • School Principal – Mr Chris Black
  • Parish priests
    • St Agatha’s Parish – Fr Joseph Abutu
    • St Thomas the Apostle Parish – Fr Denis O’Brien
  • Parent 1: Chair: Principal nomination – Mr Tony Coco
  • Parent 2: Ms Sharron Clover – Deputy Chairperson
  • Parent 3: Mr Tim Cortese
  • Parent 4: (Parents and Friends Representative): Mrs Naomi Bartlett
  • Representative from DOSCEL: Ms Amanda Smith
  • Two parishioner representatives (nominated by the parish priest):
  • 1 from St Thomas the Apostle – Mrs Flor Bitoin
  • 1 from St Agatha’s – Mr Tony Lupumeanu
  • Other persons co-opted by the Principal
    • Business Manager of the College – Mr Phillip Mustey
    • Staff Representative of the College – Ms Elouise Johnson


Enrolments have closed for Year 7 2021. The CLN campus currently has a waiting list, the CRA campus has limited spaces available. 2022 Year 7 enrolments are open. Interviews have commenced so please submit enrolment applications as a matter of urgency.


Deputy Principal Review – Mrs Julie Banda

In the third year of a Deputy Principal’s term at St. Peter’s College, a formative review takes place. Parents on the Clyde Nth campus will have received a letter this week inviting you to take a part in the review process by completing an on-line survey for Mrs Julie Banda. I encourage you to engage in this process to ensure accurate feedback can be provided. Some parents will also be invited to take part in an interview with external facilitators to determine the strengths of Mrs Banda and areas requiring improvement. Any parent wishing to take part in this interview process, to be held on 23 June 2020, is invited to email Kelley Cooper this week.

Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support

During our Pastoral period this week, the students worked on creating posters, songs, raps or jingles featuring the theme set out by the Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support.


The activity was centred around the School wide theme of The ROCKS of St. Peter’s College; respect, organisation, collaboration, kindness and safety. 


The students were asked to think about what these words meant to them, and how they could put them into action in their School community. 


They were given the task of designing a poster or writing a song or jingle that would encapsulate the essence of these words. This would then provide a guide for creating an environment where students could flourish and grow, a community where each member was seen as an important and integral part of St. Peter’s College where every student mattered and where every student contributes to the growth of their community.


This activity was met with great enthusiasm. Groups of students within Houses banded together and produced a wonderful array of thoughtful, insightful and creative pieces that they thought best represented their understanding of the ROCKS of St Peter’s. The idea that they were part of this process appealed to many, as it gave them a sense of purpose and enabled them to present their own understanding of what it means to be part of a Faith community.


Enjoy the week ahead and stay well.







Mr Chris Black
