Principal's Report
Principal's Report
Term 2 Week 8
It was fantastic to have all the children back on site learning last week. The children had been away from the school for 9 weeks so it has been quite a change for some of them coming back to work in the classroom. In returning back to school we welcome Adam Duckmanton into Year 1. He and his family have recently moved to Moyhu.
To help the children with their return to school we are undertaking some activities and tasks within the room designed to help the children with the routine of everyday school life.
Staff are continually reminding children to wash hands and use hand sanitiser before and after breaks. Drinking taps are still out of bounds so please send your child with a drink bottle to use during the day.
Staff are continuing to wipe and clean toilets, door handles, tables and chairs during the day to maintain a clean and safe environment within the school.
Just a reminder that even though a few less restrictions are in place in Victoria please continue to social distance within our community to keep everyone safe and well.
Remote learning Survey of the Children
We surveyed the children last week about remote learning
Some of the feedback
Some of the positives
- It was very good to get the extra sleep in instead of catching the bus
- was good to be able to pick and choose what subjects to work on
- great to be able to eat when you wanted,
- It was good to have mum or dad around to ask how to do something.
- Getting to talk and work on Webex
Some of the challenges
- missed their friends,
- teacher was not there to explain things
- brothers and sisters were pains
- staying on task with distractions outsides
School Values
The staff and students have reviewed our school Values over the last few weeks.
Everyone is very happy with the Values of Be a learner, Be Respectful and Be Safe however we decided to make a small change to make them more inclusive so that now they will say
We are learners, We are respectful and We are safe
By changing the wording to "We are" rather than "Be a" gives more ownership to the values and includes everyone not just the students. It becomes more of a mindset than a directive.
These values are for the whole school community to embrace, the students, staff, parents and wider community.
In regards to publishing the newsletter, instead of sending out fortnightly on a Thursday, it will now be published on a Monday fortnightly. This is due to staffing and time, it works better on a Monday when Kate, Renee and I are all working.
Monday 8th June - Queens Birthday Weekend
Please remember that next Monday is a public holiday and there will be no school on Monday.
School Photos
We have set a date for school photos. They will be taken on Wednesday 10th June. Envelopes should be here to send home over the next couple of days.
Have a great week!
Rick Martin