Principal's News

Great To be Back 

It was fantastic to have all of our students back to school this week. The yard was buzzing and there was a hive of activity in the classrooms. Thank you once again to the students, teachers and parents for the amazing commitment, persistence and patience you all showed during remote learning.  It is a strange feeling walking into classrooms full of excited students and teachers after having vacant rooms for so long. 


Let’s hope that it stays this way in the future. 


Storm Damage  

The unbelievable storm we had last Friday certainly caused some havoc in our neighbourhood. We lost power for all of Friday at school which made it interesting for teachers and students who were working in very dark environments, however we are nothing if not resilient. I spent two hours on Sunday blowing away debris from the school grounds. Pandemic, earthquake, bushfires what next? I know some of our families experienced damage. We are very lucky as we have not heard of any injuries caused by the storm.  


Curriculum Day

Children will not be required at school on Friday 12th November. Teachers will be attending school to build their knowledge and practice with a professional development morning followed by a moderation and report writing afternoon.  


Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember armed forces personnel who died in the line of duty. 


There will be a service at Remembrance Outdoor Stage on Wed 11th Nov at 10.50am.  



Science Discovery Dome 

The years 3, 4 and 5 had a fantastic incursion on Friday in the hall. Our junior scientists got to have a look at our solar system inside a makeshift dome and allowed them to study our star system. It was lots of fun and very educational. 



Data Cabinets 

We are installing some new data cabinets in the school buildings to house the 350 new devices we have set up for the children to use. Our handyman is setting them up so it is easy for the children to access the laptops and re charge them when they are finished. 


Sun Smart Uniform 

As we are a sun smart school, Term 4 will be hats on for all children once again. If your child has lost their hat please make sure that it is either found or replaced through the Primary School Wear uniform shop. Any children without an approved school hat will be directed to a shaded area during recess and lunchtimes. Children also need to be wearing an approved school uniform to school as per the school uniform policy.  


Meet Your Buddy Session - Foundation 2022  

The Foundation team continue to provide experiences for our newest enrolled families to connect to school. They are set to send their children for the Buddy session today the 5th of November. The feedback has been very positive and encouraging of all the work the Team are putting in to provide an exciting program. Thanks is extended to our Specialist teachers who are also working with the team to introduced their faces to the students and begin building connections. 


In terms of providing an onsite experience this year for these children, you will appreciate there are significant considerations around the associated health and risk measures which must be taken.  These include providing the time and space for groups of no more than 10 children visiting at one time, limiting interaction with the volume of existing students attending onsite daily, safe hygiene practices, available staffing, social distancing regulations, the collection of details in the event COVID tracing was required. 


We are working to achieve a contextually suitable experience at our school and anticipate this occurring early in December, after the fourth remote transition session. 


Families of 2021 enrolled Foundation children will be emailed with details when they are confirmed. 


School Values 

Don’t forget to keep reminding your children of our four core values at CEPS, not only at school but also when they are out and about on the weekends. 


Courtesy, Co-operation, Respect and Responsibility are the key areas that our children should be demonstrating through their behaviours at all times. 



What is World Kindness Day 

In a world that seems to be getting more and more divided, it can feel like there’s not much you can do. And yet, we all know that doing small acts of kindness for strangers or people in need is one of the best ways to make the world a better place. It doesn’t take much effort but it has an incredible impact on those around us. 


That’s why World Kindness Day was created – so you could celebrate good deeds on this special day and inspire others to follow your example! 


On November 13th each year, people from around the globe come together to create a chain reaction of compassion by performing random acts of kindness for total strangers. You don’t even have to leave your house or spend any money – just do something nice for someone else! The goal is simple – spread as many smiles as possible across our planet by encouraging everyone who participates in World Kindness Day 2021 (and beyond) to perform at least one act of kindness for someone else. 



Take Notice or Being Mindful 

Mindfulness is paying attention to how you feel and what you see, hear, taste and smell. It is the opposite of rushing and multitasking. Mindfulness is being in the present rather than thinking about the future or the past. 

It can make us more aware of our thoughts and feelings and can help reduce stress and anxiety. 


Mindfulness can help us slow down and promotes rest and healing.  


For more information about mindfulness with children and young people, visit: Smiling Minds



Practise Kindness and Gratitude 

Gratitude is about taking some time to recognise and celebrate the people and things we love and are thankful for. Being grateful can have a big impact on wellbeing as it strengthens relationships and makes us more optimistic. 


You can help your child practice gratitude by talking to them about 

  • things that make them happy
  • things that inspire them
  • people and things that nurture them
  • experiences and thoughts they would like more of
  • helping them notice small pleasures like a cool breeze or a warm smile.
  • Being kind to others also supports wellbeing. It promotes feelings of gratitude as well as compassion and empathy. Kindness helps to build a sense of community and reduces stress.

With your child, make a list of all the ways they can be kind to family, friends and your community. Together, chose a few things to practice being kind. 



























Wayne Bach 
