Principal's Panorama


Advent began on Sunday the 28th November.  

The four candles on the Advent wreath symbolise hope (purple), love (purple), joy (pink) and peace (purple)

When we light the first candle on Sunday, it reminds us to centre our thoughts on hope, as we prepare our hearts to celebrate Jesus’ arrival.  The wreath that is often associated with Christmas has no beginning and no end. 

It demonstrates to us the continuous circle of life, and the eternity of God.  Our students have created their own wreath in our foyer, each of their hands inter-twined with their peers.

I am not sure about you, but I cannot believe how close we are to the end of the year! 

Three and a half weeks until the 2021 Academic Year finishes.... As we progress through the year we are again looking towards graduation ceremonies and end of year school events. 


School Events and School Related Functions

Public Health orders from the Victorian Government and from the Department of Education will guide all Victorian schools in what is allowed as part of a school event or school related function. 

A reminder to all parent/guardians that although, we as a school, do not create the directives, Sacred Heart and other schools in Victoria will follow these directions.

This includes all non-negotiable requirements such as double dose Covid vaccination status, social distancing and mask requirements. 



A beautifully intimate ceremony was held for our 6 Reconciliation students last Wednesday with Father Dean. Parents and students alike were fascinated by his demonstration of using styrofoam cups dissolving in acetone as an analogy for God absolving our sins. So very proud of the 6 students participating and looking forward to them completing their journey next year with Confirmation and Eucharist.


Staff Contact

Reminder for parent/guardian/carers that using any staff member's private social media or email addresses for school related matters is not condoned. For any school related matter parent/guardian/carers are to contact the school via or (02) 60761138.