Deputy Principal/Wellbeing Update

'At St Anthony’s we strive to provide safe classroom communities that provide students with a sense of safety, affirmation and belonging, alongside opportunities to explore faith and social / emotional skills.'

I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas break. I hope that everyone can visit relatives, head outdoors, and spend quality time with each other. I plan on walking my 3 month old Italian Greyhound puppy everyday, watching cricket and spending time with friends and family. 

I congratulate our Year 6 students on graduating during tough circumstances. I admire your resilience, team work and positive spirit. I would also like to farewell the wonderful staff leaving in 2021. All the best in your future endeavors. 


I encourage all of our students to limit their screen time over the break. Get active and enjoy the sunshine. I have listed a link to school holiday ideas below.


Keep safe, 

