Student Wellbeing

Student and Family Support
Headspace information on supporting friends and family members over the holidays.
Mental Health supports for students over the school holidays.
Steps to help you through the changes in your life
Last week some students spoke about feeling overwhelmed when we discussed Early Commencement. The word trepidation snuck in as well. However, it was great to see that most were excited. Some are viewing this as a 'brand new' start. All of the above are valid thoughts and emotions, and justified. We know change is inevitable and at times scary, but there are ways we can make it less daunting:
- Identify what you can and cannot control. If we see change as progression, it makes it easier to adjust.
- Adapting to change can take its toll, so make time to take care of yourself. Chat with your friends or family often and allow yourself time to do the things you enjoy as well.
- Work out your thought pattern: ask yourself "why do I feel this way" Be honest with yourself and list the things that are concerning. Then you can tackle that list.
- Be in the moment: enjoy the here and now.
- Identify what's important to you. How does change effect you in the short term and in the long term? What is likely to change?
As always a reminder that Wellbeing Staff really appreciate self referrals, and are keen to meet you.
Student wellbeing information can be found on our website. See below!
We would like to thank you for your support throughout this challenging year. Our message continues to be the same: let us simplify things and be there for one another. We honestly cannot think of anything more poignant at this present time. We look forward to 2022 and being there for you and your children.
Eryka, Ben, Mel, Michelle,
Kirsten, Olivia and Myriam
The Wellbeing Team