Terrific Kids Term 3


Aavni is a go-getter! She is kind beyond belief and loves to bring joy to those around her. If someone is feeling down, she is the first to give them a hug, say some words of encouragement  and patiently sit with them until they feel themselves again. Every word she speaks is of kindness and warmth . . . even to herself! She shows such perseverance and determination in all learning tasks and I just know her positive attitude will help her go far! She is the perfect example of how kindness and a positive outlook is always the answer. 

Year 1Alexander

Alex is a pleasure to have in the class. He is always polite with lovely manners and displays a positive attitude, even when faced with a challenge. He puts careful thought into everything he does and contributes to class discussions with his unique and articulate opinions. Congratulations Alex.

Year 2Siddharth

Sidd takes pride in completing all classroom tasks. He has developed confidence in sharing his ideas with the group and always thinks through his responses carefully. Sidd is a considerate member of the group who is willing to assist others. Sidd's passion for learning shines through in all that he does, he is a highly valued and respected member of 2PF. Well done Sidd, we are so lucky to have you in our class!

Year 3Saahib

Saahib is a well-deserved recipient of a Terrific Kid Award as he emulates the qualities that make him an exceptional role model to his peers. He is a friendly student who is considerate, empathetic, and mindful to all those around him no matter what the situation holds. Saahib always puts others first and displays signs of dependability and responsibility. He engages with the routines of school life highly demonstrating all the school values in a respectful manner and shows determination and positivity whenever being confronted with challenging tasks or decisions, thus demonstrating the value of resilience. Congratulations Saahib on this proud achievement. You truly are a valued member of 3P who always brightens each day with your engaging big smile and are definitely a Syndal South Star student Sidd takes pride in completing all classroom tasks. He has developed confidence in sharing his ideas with the group and always thinks through his responses carefully. 

Year 4Christina

One of the things that stands out the most with Christina is that she is an incredibly polite, friendly and caring individual. She is always showing these values in the classroom and out in the yard. Christina applies herself incredibly well in the classroom in order to get the most out of her learning, whether it listening actively and taking part in discussions, or working diligently and applying herself to learning tasks.

Year 5Zach

Zachary has demonstrated the school values of care, responsibility resilience and respect consistently both at school and during our weeks of online learning. Zachary is becoming more and more confident in his ability to work through challenges and succeed. His efforts have been enormous. Zachary has attended and participated in all our Webex meetings, and persevered with all learning activities; completing them all within the given time frame. Zachary’s ability to remain positive and focused has enabled him to produce a high standard of work. Congratulations Zachary on being our Year 5 Term 3 Terrific Kid.

Year 6Luvina

Luvina is a kind and thoughtful student who loves the challenges involved with learning. Luvina can be relied upon to take part in group activities enthusiastically and work hard to achieve great results. She is an amazing role model to younger children because she takes the time to listen and help. Luvina values learning and is always trying to improve the quality of her work. She takes on her leadership responsibilities with the utmost diligence and determination. Congratulations Luvina on your Terrific Kid Award.