

The Shared Stories Anthology for 2021 was distributed to our student contributors last week. The publication once again highlighted the exceptional talent here at St James. Our students’ writing and artwork shines brightly throughout. Here are some extracts...


A Walk Through the Park

Jamie, Year 6

I walked silently

Attempting to calm myself

Just me and my thoughts

I thought about joyful times

The simpler times

Where I didn't need to worry

Where I could enjoy

Enjoy having no deadline

Nothing to be done

And I just kept on walking 

Just me and my thoughts

Having a walk through the park


Columbian Happiness

Joshua, Year 5

The amazing people, places and structures here in Colombia make me happy that I don't have 3 story mansions. 

They have a humble flat with a happy soul and joyful heart. 

They love soccer and their skills are off the chart!

Here in Australia, we don’t think about how much money we spend because we have lots of money 

But in Colombia they don’t have as much money to make a meal and put it on the plate 

But somehow they are more grateful and have a bigger heart than us.


My Happy Place

Zara, Year 4

I like drinking hot chocolate from my favourite mug

And sitting next to the heater on the warm toasty rug

Getting sucked into my wondrous dream adventure

I imagine a buried cave full of mystical treasure 

I see shiny diamonds and pieces of gold

The soft whispers I hear are brave and bold 

Then there is a flick of the page

Maybe it’s what everyone does at this age

So I open my eyes and I’m back to the start

This is the cheeky way of my heart


The Ocean

Saskia, Year 3

The wind blows in my hair as I stare into the vast open sea.

I strain my eyes to see further across the horizon.

The water laps against my feet.

I’m conscious of the sounds around me.

I smell the seaweed on the shore next to me.

I hear the gulls swooping at the fish in the water.

I feel the sand between my toes.

I taste the salt in my mouth.

I watch as the sun falls till I cannot see it any more.

I feel… free.


Hot and Cold

Poppy, Year 2

The hot gold hush of noon

For flood and fire and famine

Brown streams and

Soft dim skies


Molly by my Side

Jack, Year 1

I feel happy when it’s sunny,

Playing outside with my friends is funny.

I love to take my bike for a ride,

With my dog Molly by my side.


The Wind

Ethan, Foundation

I like it when the wind blows, 

And I wonder where it goes?

Swish! Swoosh! Through the trees,

Blowing past the busy bees.


We are also proud to announce and congratulate the winner of the Hornet Press Award this year…

Siena! (Year 5) 

Well done Siena!


The Shared Stories virtual launch was shared with the parent community via email. If you have yet to watch the celebration of students’ writing and artwork from over 28 schools, both primary and secondary, you can watch it here.


Again, we thank Peter Farrar and Daniela Vinaccia for their efforts in bringing this year’s Shared Stories anthology to life! How fortunate we are to be part of this wonderful publication which showcases students’ passions and creativity in such a powerful way.



Continued reading during the holiday period is essential to maintain the progress your child has made this year. It is more important than ever, considering the disruptive year we have had. Take the time to visit the local library and borrow books which capture imagination and interest. Focus on reading for enjoyment, talking about the text and nurturing a love of literature. Thank you for your ongoing support of your child’s Literacy development.



Olivia Quinlan

Literacy Leader