International Students

Filming Day
Victorian Global Learning Awards 2021
On Monday the 22nd November, the Department of Education (DET) sent a production crew to make a film at DSC to celebrate Harry BUI’s Global Citizenship Award. The weather was fantastic! The film crew were very impressed with the articulated Harry, the brand new W building, the greenery on campus, the school facilities and our therapy dog, Bowie!
Here are a couple of 'behind the scenes' photographs.
A big congratulations to our students who represented DSC so well on day! Please find students’ reflection of their film day below:
Filming day has been a special day for myself as I not only have a chance to revisit all the special places of Doncaster Secondary College but also create a memory with my friends as a final year student. The filming crew is extremely nice and warming to us which indeed makes the filming so much easier to do. No matter the final products, I believe we all have had a lot of fun and an unforgettable experience here at Doncaster Secondary College. I want to say thanks to everyone who is involved in the filming process, especially Ms. Sally HUANG, the international student coordinator, Mr Glenn Morris, our principal and the filming crew.
Harry BUI - 12B
I am very happy for the opportunity to represent Doncaster Secondary College in the VGLA production. I got to meet and work with a lot of new people and I enjoyed the occasion. The production team was very supportive and encouraging and I would love to represent Doncaster Secondary College if given a chance again.
Christabel ONWUMERE - 08A
I am very honoured to participate in the filming of the production of the Victorian Global Learning Awards on Monday 22nd November. The students who participated together showed an amazing ability to cooperate, and the shooting went so well.
Che CAI - 08K
I was able to contribute for the S.T.E.M part, which was recorded in W block. It was a great opportunity to be able to represent the school and cooperate with other students to record the scenes. I am so excited to see the final video.
Kiarash Lak -10 K
I felt very proud of our school and Harry. It was a great experience that we could try some football, also it’s quite exciting that we could be in the film. I’m looking forward to see myself in the final project.
Suki GUI - 10G
It is great to communicate with others. I sincerely congratulate Harry, and can’t wait to see the film!
Nicole LI - 08J
International students going for student leadership roles
Our international students Nicole LI and Che CAI have been selected to be a Peer Support Leader and a member of SRC in Year 2022. Please find their reflection on the application journey.
Why are you applying to be a Peer Support Leader?
I’d like to improve my social and independent organization skills, make positive contributions to our group and our school. I received support from buddies arranged by international student program and I hope I can give it back to Doncaster SC community. Overall, I want to use my experience to helping others students, especially the Y7 students who are new to our school community.
What strengths will you bring to the role of Peer Support Leader?
I believe that I am trustworthy and responsibility. I believe all people are born equal and I give each person the respect he/she deserves. I try my best to following the schools values and personal standards of morality and behaviour. I have studied at DSC for almost 1 year therefore I’m aware of the challenges difficulties and problem that students go through. Chinese speaking background can help me to assist some new Y7 students with Chinese background. I hope I can use my experience to help the new students join DSC.
What do you hope to learn?
I hope I can enhance my helping skills such as listening, communications, problem solving, and conflict management. To develop my ability of leadership, self-esteem and interpersonal skills.
Why would you like to be part of the SRC?
The reason why I would like to be a part of the SRC is this is a great opportunity to become the voice of International students and create a better campus environment. Meanwhile, the SRC activities can help me developing lots of skills, such as team work, resilient, organization, communication, leadership etc. In addition, I really enjoy meeting new friends that have the same goals, and we can help each other and make progress together. I’ve experienced difficulty adjusting to new school life when I first started her and I received support from buddies arranged by the International student program. I am really grateful of this support and hoping I can give it back to the DSC community. I really want to do my best to support everyone who needs help.
What purpose do you believe the SRC serves at DSC?
In my opinion, the purpose I believe the SRC serves at DSC is to represent the whole student body, consult and bring out their voice and ideas, let others know and help them. People in SRC understand the values of our school community and abide by them, leading by example as well. At the same time, they set an exemplary behavior for other students. SRC members work as a team, participate in the planning and operation of the school community, be a good representative and jointly help improve the community environment.
What is one initiative that you would like to focus on in your time in SRC?
The initiative that I would like to focus on in my time in SRC is support EAL students which including international students. My Chinese speaking skills enable me to assist all students with Chinese background, especially incoming Y7 Chinese students. I can support them to transition from a completely different culture and language environment, and adapt to the new study life at DSC.
Sally Huang
Director of International Student Program
9th Homework Club
We had 3 students join the 9th Homework club for the International Students. This session we had students do some Oral English practice. We had casual chats about their school life back to onsite learning and asked them to read some paragraphs aloud.
After the talks and reading, the students focused on their homework. I helped a Y10 student with his EAL homework regarding the helpful and unhelpful strategies to deal with difficult situations. I helped him to understand the instructions and expectation of the home work and guided him to finish the work. I also helped a Year11 student with his Chinese language homework and a Y11 student with her Mathematics homework. It was a very productive session.
Tara Fang
International Student Program Assistant