Principal's Report

Welcome to Term Four
All students are active participants in a learning culture that promotes academic excellence and personal development through a diversity of challenging experiences.
“Working together, learning together” – Working together to enable all students to achieve their potential and become confident, effective learners who contribute productively to society.
Doncaster Secondary College acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which our school is situated, the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to elder's past, present and emerging and extend that respect to any and all Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people. We value the ongoing contribution to the cultural heritage that the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung people provide to our school as well as the city of Manningham. We recognise that this land was never ceded and there is no treaty, and we commit to efforts towards reconciliation as a school community. We at Doncaster Secondary College are inclusive of individuals from all backgrounds including the LGBTQIA+, culturally and linguistically diverse as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Senior School Exams and Year 12 Graduation
Unit 3 and 4 exams have progressed extremely well for our students, with the final exams being completed last week. I would like to congratulate all of the students involved, for the way they have managed this year and brought their best to their final assessments. Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) students will receive their results on Wednesday 16th December 2021. The release of student results is usually a very busy time for the Senior School and Careers team, as they support our students to understand what the results mean for their next steps into the workforce and tertiary education. The Senior School team will provide further communication to families of year 12 students about opportunities to discuss their results and pathway options.
On Friday 19th November we had the opportunity to celebrate the end of the year with the Graduating class of 2021. The Valedictory Assembly provided an opportunity to recognise and celebrate their achievements which are the culmination of many years of dedication, supported by families and school staff. It must be noted that education does not conclude with the end of year 12, and instead serves as a transition point to further education and training. Our class of year 12 are leaving us as capable young adults equipped to tackle and further their education. It has been an honour and a privilege to play a part in your journey throughout your time at DSC. The rest of your life awaits you and I have no doubt that you are well prepared to make it a meaningful and successful one. We look forward to celebrating our Year 12s at their upcoming formal which will be held onsite. I am sure that staff and students will enjoy a wonderful evening where they will have the opportunity to communicate care, mutual respect and appreciation for each other.
6-7 Transition and welcoming parents/carers as partners in their child’s learning.
A key improvement strategy for the School Strategic Plan 2022-2025 is to embed programs and processes to welcome parents/carers as partners in their child’s learning. In working towards this goal, the 2022 Junior School and Transition team presented to our families of incoming Year 7s the concept of the ‘Learning Partnership’. The Learning Partnership is comprised of excellent teaching, positive family influence and interest, and maximum student effort. It recognises that all stakeholders have a role to play in maximising learning growth for all students.
We are also very excited to be able to welcome our families on-site and give them an opportunity to visit Doncaster Secondary College. All of our incoming Year 7 families have been invited to an Open Afternoon on Wednesday 1st December. We will be setting up various stations, giving our families a change to tour our new year 7 precinct and ask any transition-related questions. There will be no formal presentations on the evening however, a number of stations will be set up to provide information including:
- Guidance on laptop purchase and recommended models
- A representative from PSW (uniform supplier) to answer all uniform enquiries
- Meet the Year 7 Leadership team
- Parents/Carers of current students will be available to provide advice and answer questions
- Tutorials for students on how to use their combination locks
- Stationery/organisational advice, including tips on how to set up folders and lockers
- Music demonstration, with instrumental music staff available for questions
- Canteen and lunch order information
- Student medical related information and enquiries
- Free BBQ for families
The event will run in accordance with the current COVID-19 guidelines as set out by the Victorian Department of Education and Training. This means that parents and carers who enter school buildings must:
- check in using the QR code
- be fully vaccinated, or have a medical exemption
Please note that the music demonstration and BBQ will be held outdoors and will therefore be accessible for all families.
Orientation Day 2021 will be held for Year 6 students on Tuesday 7th December 2021. Attendance at the Open Afternoon will allow students to familiarise themselves with the environment and school staff, and allow for a smoother transition to Orientation Day and the start of Year 7 in 2022.
I would personally like to extend a very warm welcome to our new Year 7 students; particularly to our new families and look forward to working with you over the upcoming six years.
Music at Doncaster Secondary College
Senior and junior music ensembles will be performing for families at the Open Afternoon. Our team of instrumental music staff will be available to answer any questions families may have about learning an instrument. All students are strongly encouraged to consider learning a musical instrument with a strong evidence base to support this decision. Our music program provides opportunities for students from Year 7-12 to come together and engage with the wider school community. If you have any questions about the instrumental music program, please contact Nick Dean, Music Coordinator,
System priorities in 2022 will support schools to respond to current challenges and prepare for 2022
The events of the past two years have significantly impacted our students, staff and school communities. The Department of Education and Training (DET) have provided direction for schools to ensure that efforts are focused on a set of common and core priorities. The DET goals for 2022 state that whilst some of our students have thrived in the remote learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and some need extra learning and wellbeing support despite the best efforts of their teachers and families. In 2022 we will continue to focus on student learning – with an increased focus on numeracy – and student wellbeing through the 2022 Priorities Goal, a learning Key Improvement Strategy and a wellbeing Key Improvement Strategy.
The two priority KIS for 2022 are:
• Learning – Support both those who need scaffolding and those who have thrived to continue to extend their learning, especially in in numeracy
• Wellbeing – Effectively mobilise available resources to support students' wellbeing and mental health, especially the most vulnerable
The DSC Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) is currently being developed and will be presented to our school council early in 2022, and communicated to our families after school council endorsement.
Glenn Morris