Music Matters

Rehearsals are back!
Our Music rehearsals are back in full swing. It has been wonderful to hear music back onsite at DSC. Here are a couple of photos from our Year 7 Concert Band - Soundworks.
We’re in the middle of a crazy few weeks, with all our 4th term performances crammed in like sardines!
Valedictory Performances
Last Friday 19th November, we saw our VCE groups perform brilliantly at the Valedictory assembly. The presentation began with our VCE Group Jazz Band playing “Fever” and “The Chicken”. The National Anthem was played by our Year 12 flautists Emma McQueeney and Jannah Kasie, with Isabelle Lombardi on clarinet. Gabriella Milonas and Elina Jayamanna then blew the audience away with their rendition of “For Good” from Wicked.
After the now traditional presentation of the Year 12 Music Glasses to those Year 12s who have performed in school ensembles all the way through to the end of their Secondary Schooling, the Year 12 All Star Band played a funky rendition of “Colors” by Black Pumas. To end the afternoon, the VCE Rock Band played “Rio” by Duran Duran and “Rescue Me” by Fontella Bass.
Thank you to all the year 12s for all your dedication over the last six years. Although the last two years were pretty disappointing for performances, we certainly have some amazing memories including our tour of New Zealand in 2018. We wish you all the best in your future pursuits and hope that playing music is always a part of your lives in some way.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday 1st December, 4 - 5.30pm
Orientation Evening for the 2022 Year 7s and parents
Performances by Soundworks, Stringworks and Wind Symphony outside W Block.
Thursday 2nd December, 3.45 - 5.15pm
Senior School Awards Presentation
Performances by Senior Rock Bands and Solo Pianist Suki Gui.
Tuesday 7th December Daytime
Rehearsals/Soundchecks for all ensembles and performances to 2022 Year 7s during their Orientation Day.
Tuesday 7th December, 7 - 9pm
'Fresh Out Of Lockdown' Summer Music Concert
For all ensembles except the Rock Bands.
Thursday 9th December, Period 3 & Lunchtime
Middle School Awards Presentation Performances by Middle School Rock Bands and a Guitar and Vocal Duet
So you can see it really is going to be a busy couple of weeks in the Music Department!
Nick Dean
Music Coordinator
Staff Profile
In this edition of the College newsletter, we turn our attention to the amazingly talented staff in the Music department. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you, Mr Howard Dillon.
Joshua Verco
Instrumental Music Instructor
Howard Dillon
Teaches violin & viola
Hey Mr Dillon. What instruments do you play?
Howdy! I play the Violin and a little Guitar and piano.
Any cool nicknames at school?
I have been referred to as Matt or Marshall.
When and how did you start learning to play musical instruments?
I actually started playing guitar in high school and started playing the violin when I moved to Melbourne to go to University. My great aunty gave me a violin and I decided to learn from a proper teacher and found that I really liked it.
What ensembles or bands have you performed with?
I have performed with Zelman Symphony Orchestra and also Crows Bar Cabaret, a sort of Folk Jewish music group.
Who is your instrumental music teacher/s at Doncaster SC?
I don’t have a music teacher at school, but I like to think that if I did, Mrs Howes would be an excellent singing teacher, and almost is already with all the amazing feedback she gives me.
What are your favourite pieces or genres to perform?
Classical, Avant-Garde improvisation, Irish music.
Who have been the most significant influences in your musical career?
The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, J.S. Bach, Debussy as well as more modern Avant-Garde composers - Ligeti and Harrison Birtwistle.
What is your most memorable performance to date?
Having my music performed in Japan at an Asian Music Festival in 2014.
What is your most memorable musical learning experience?
Having violin lessons from Philip Carrington. Learning about the Colourstrings method of teaching Strings.
What non-musical hobbies or interests do you have?
I enjoy reading about history, following AFL and test cricket and photography. Also fighting for the environment.
What do you hope to achieve with your time and music in the future?
I hope to concentrate on my music composing in the future.
Do you have a student achievement experience that you will always remember?
Just remembering many of the fine young people I have met in my teaching career.
How would you like to be remembered by your past students from over the years?
As a kind person.
If you could, what advice would you give to your teenage self for your musical journey ahead?
Work hard and follow your instincts!
What is your favourite food to eat?
Roast Lamb!
What is the silliest thing you’ve ever said, done or worn (Chicken Suit?)?
Singing sea shanties at the Boat Show in exhibition buildings for a ridiculous amount of money at the time.
Thank you for sharing your music experiences with us, Mr Dillon!