News from the Office

Parent Payment Arrangements 2022

The Department of Education and Training has sought to clarify the Parent Payments Policy for 2022 to remove any ambiguity relating to parents’ financial contributions to schools and to re-define the three (3) payment categories.

As such, there will be some change to the school’s process for supplying consumable resources (both individual and bulk) to students and to avoid any confusion, the following contributions are voluntary (change):


Curriculum Contributions – for example materials and equipment for English, Mathematics, Science, class sets of ICT devices, printing and photocopying, specialist program resources, classroom resources for inquiry units, special celebrations, classroom libraries etc.


Other Contributions non-curriculum items and activities e.g. a tax deductible contribution to our library fund to support book purchases and other equipment that sustain the library as a valuable resource.


You will have the opportunity to make voluntary contributions to the school under the above categories via the booklist link (see below) or at any time you choose via bpay.


The ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all your support, this has made a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.


Within our school this support has allowed us to organise and coordinate the best possible programs that enhance and extend on the traditional teaching and learning classroom structure. These financial contributions assist us with the purchasing of art, performing arts, Auslan and physical education equipment and resources. These additional resources support them to be engaging programs coinciding with our exceptional classroom teaching of the established subjects such as Reading, Writing and Maths. Other opportunities which we are able to offer because of your contributions include the continued implementation of our Positive Climate for Learning program, Sensory/OT/Speech services and resources, student welfare support services in addition to our celebration days such as Diversity Day, graduation ceremonies, 100 days of Prep etc. All these programs running alongside the traditional classroom teaching and learning programs are imperative so as to provide an effectively balanced and rigorous overall education for your children.


Armstrong Creek School offers a range of items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are above and beyond what the school provides in order to deliver the Curriculum. These are provided on a user-pays basis and fall under the following category (no change):


Extra-Curricular Items and Activities (User pays) - Camps, excursions, activities – permission sought, and approval/payment done via Compass.

Other extra-curricular items offered on a user pays basis are the online numeracy/literacy subscriptions. Once the school has finalised these providers, the cost of subscribing to this additional learning tool will be displayed on your booklist link.


One of the main changes will be the process for the supply of your child’s/ren’s individual booklist.  A list of items that you will be required to purchase for your child to individually own and use will be sent to you via Compass with the option for you to use a direct purchasing link (via our preferred third-party provider Paperchase Office National). In previous years, the school purchased these items on your behalf, but we are not permitted to do this anymore.  You will also have the opportunity to download the list and purchase the items elsewhere should you choose, ensuring you purchase the exact items on the list.


All the information needed and flyers to assist with the purchasing process details are available to you on your Compass News Feed.

Lunch Orders

Every Friday families will have the opportunity to place orders for students who will receive them at lunchtime. Orders will continue to be placed online via QuickCliq and must be placed by 9am on the day prior to order day.  


The Menu and How to Order guides can be found on Compass by clicking on the Community Icon \ School Information \ Parent Information \ Canteen.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club has returned for all students at ACS!  We will be providing breakfast on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8.40am to 8.55am.  Students can make their way over to the Canteen for a quick take away breakfast.


This is a great opportunity for your child to practice their social skills by:

  • Lining up calmly and waiting patiently to be served.
  • Remembering to use their manners by saying ‘please’ and ‘thank  you’ when engaging with our volunteer staff.
  • Taking care of our school and placing all of their rubbish in the bins provided.

We would like to thank Food Bank Victoria for supplying all of our food products free of charge for this valuable program.


Compass is our Parent Portal and a vital communication tool that connects our home\school partnership.  Families can enter student absences, see Student Reports, email teachers and make payments for events, camps, excursions etc - these are just a few of the many options available.


There are also many valuable resources for families on Compass under the School Documentation section including YMCA - Before and After School Care information, Canteen Menu's and ordering guide, Medication Authority Forms, Term Dates and links to all previous Newsletters, just to name a few.


The School Documentation section can be found by clicking on:

Community Icon (People) \ School Documentation \ Parent Information


If you are having trouble accessing your Compass account, need to reset your password or have not yet received your Log In details; please contact the office on 5218 5100 or email