Yr 7 Boys Tennis –Term 4 School Sport Victoria, Eureka Division  

Yr 7 Boys Tennis –Term 4 School Sport Victoria, Eureka Division


On Friday 4th December 2020 we had a great day out at the Ballarat Regional Tennis Centre, on a beautiful sunny day. As we were the only boys team entered into the competition,  we played mixed matches with the Yr 7 Ballarat High School girls Team A and B. 


The Woodmans Hill team consisted of:  Gus Prenc, David Nube, and Casper Carey-Grieve and several other year 7 boys.


Our boys represented the school with respect, determination and an attitude of “let’s have a real go”, which was great to witness. All team members played a minimum of 2 sets, with Gus and David playing an impressive 4 sets each. Due to 3 weeks of training leading up to the competition, all boys were ready and suitably capable to compete with their BHS opponents/partners. All matches saw each competitor score games against their opponents. It was rewarding to see the skill level and use of tactics develop as the day progressed.



Ros Corden, Yr 7 Boys Tennis Coach