Our Peter Doherty experience

Team 1 - Helena Rayner and Ruth Carter 

Can we tell emotions through our eyes and eyebrows? Our Peter Doherty experience


At the start of term 3 we started looking at experiments to do at school knowing nothing about the science competition founded by Peter Doherty. Then we had to go back into lockdown and started remote learning again. 


Once we returned our science teacher Jackie Collins mentioned a competition we could enter. Then wanting to win we re-chose our project due to covid-19 and to better fit the criteria. We ended up choosing the topic “Can we tell someone’s emotions though their eyes and eyebrows?” We spent one month doing research and one month putting all the information into a poster and creating a video. We originally created a video as we could not go to the Ballarat Tech School and present in person. Then Covid rules changed and we had the opportunity to present in person. The judges were lovely and asked very fascinating questions. The judges were Michael Poulton, Nicole Ashby and Nick Dejkovski.  The building had very nice gadgets.  We were extremally nervous but got over it quickly and were excited at the end. 


The next Wednesday at 6.00pm we sat with our family and watched a prerecorded and edited video of us and the other teams. When the recording said the overall winners were Maxine, James and Casper we congratulated them. Then they announced we won the communication award. The next day we were congratulated by all the teachers and received a bag from the awards to congratulate us. Overall it was great fun.


Written by Helena Rayner and Ruth Carter