First Aid

Lisa Ralling

Ice Packs Required

Can you help us out in First Aid?


There is a shortage of icepacks in the First Aid room so it would be greatly appreciated if there are any families who would like to donate an icepack to restock our freezer.


Thank you in anticipation.


Lisa Ralling

First Aid Officers


Lost Property

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU LABEL YOUR children’s belongings IF YOU WANT THEM returned.  Any unnamed items are either returned to the Uniform Shop for resale, or if poor quality, these goods are discarded.  Any unlabelled lunch containers are also discarded.  Any Unlabelled Non School uniform will be given to a charity of choice if not claimed.


Health Alert

There has been a reported case of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in the School Community.


A common children's virus causing sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet.


The condition is spread by direct contact with saliva or mucus.


Symptoms include fever, sore throat, feeling unwell, irritability and loss of appetite.


The virus usually clears up on its own within 10 days. Pain medication may help to relieve symptoms.


Short-term: resolves within days to weeks

Usually self-treatable

Spreads easily

Requires a medical diagnosis

Lab tests or imaging often required