What's Happening

Found at School Disco - Garage Remote

Are you missing your Garage Remote, if so, it's awaiting your collection at the School Office.  It was found on Friday, 14th May, the night of the School Disco.


Hi RMPS families!


Do you follow us on Facebook? If not, it’s time to hit that like button as we’re hoping to increase the social media presence of our school. We want to use it as a tool to engage with our community and to showcase our amazing school to prospective new families too.


To find us on Facebook you can search for Roberts McCubbin Primary School or @robertsmccubbinprimaryschool


Also, I need your help to gather content and photos. If you’re at a school event and have a photo that could be posted on Facebook (and you have verbal approval from parents of kids featured) please feel free to text it to me on 0448 996 468. It could be photos of a school activity, excursion, etc. Same if you have an idea of something that should be posted. Always happy to receive suggestions. Thanks


Andreanne Boileau