Principal's Report

Respect, Creativity, Endeavour, Friendliness, Honesty, Trust

Welcome to our new iNewsletter

You will notice there are left and right arrows to scroll through multiple pages throughout the newsletter.  You can also click on images to enlarge photos.

Celebrating Education Week at RMPS


This year’s theme is ‘Building Connections’. The theme celebrates the connections between our students, staff, parents/carers and local community. Dan Deltondo from Noel Jones (one of our dads) will be sponsoring our evening and running a sausage sizzle for families to be cooked by our specialist team. Please find Dan's add on the Perfect Partners page.


So please join us for a sausage in bread and come along to classrooms and share your child’s learning.


Please note that due to COVID requirements you will be required to sign in on entry and numbers per classroom will be limited.

PFA Disco

Much excitement was had last Friday at the PFA disco! The hall was a buzz with enjoyment, music and dancing. Many thanks to Katherine Dowson, Lisa Hamilton and crew for coordinating this event and to our staff, Katrina Cassidy, Kate Pickburn and Tristan Liao for assisting on the night. It was a fantastic evening for our students, thank you PFA!

Disco Fun
Disco Fun

Book Fair is coming to Library.....

Peter & Aiko 3/4L making their wish list
Peter & Aiko 3/4L making their wish list


Proceeds go back into the library to purchase new books and resources.

Friday 21st May:


Tuesday 25th May:


Monday 24th May:


8.30-9.00 & 3.30-4.00


8.30-9.00 & 3.30-4.00


8.30-9.00 & 3.30-4.00


Friday 21st May - Onesie / PJ Day

Our Junior School Councilors are having a Onesie/PJ day to raise money for the Australian Childhood Foundation. Please BRING A GOLD COIN on this day!

Sunday 23rd May

PFA Fundraising Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings 

Please come along and grab a sausage to help raise funds for the school.

Sunday 30th May - 9.30-11.30am

Working Bee

All families are invited to attend! We are hoping for many hands on deck to assist with various jobs around the school. These include:

  • Preparing our old veggie garden for our Eco captains project: removing weeds, digging and raking
  • Raking the sandpit
  • Placing tan bark on playgrounds
  • Sweeping stones off the asphalt
  • Clean up of PFA supplies
  • Picking up rubbish and general sweeping

We will be asking families to bring some equipment from home, such as brooms, rakes and wheel barrows to assist with the clean-up!

Please note that all volunteers will need to sign in and out as directed and follow DET OHS rules and requirements.

Curriculum Day

PLEASE NOTE: 12th July is a Curriculum Day, there is no school on this day, however OSHClub is operating on this day.


I hope you have enjoyed the first edition of our iNewsletter!


We will continue to update and improve pages for future newsletters.









Amanda Wigg