School News

Staff 2021

Parish Priest

Fr Patrick Vaughan


School Leadership Team

Principal: Mrs. Jen Charadia

Assistant Principal: Mr. Miguel Aguilera

Religious Education Coordinator: Mrs. Christine Smith

Middle Leader: Mrs. Cathy Lantry

Middle Leader: Mrs. Anne-Marie Clarkson

Middle Leader: Mrs. Kylie Grose 


Class Teachers

KJ: Mrs. Anne-Marie Clarkson and Mrs. Melanie Brooks (Thursday afternoons and Fridays)

KM: Mrs. Angela Despotovic

1J: Mrs. Emma Rollestone, and Miss Vanessa Loumanis (Term 1) Mrs. Annie Harris (Term 2, 3 and 4).

1M: Miss Pamela Di Domizio

2J: Miss Taylor Gemmill

2M: Mrs. Michaela Fursey

3J: Mrs. Christine Smith and Mrs. Kylie Grose (Fridays)

3M: Mr. Gareth Cox

4J: Miss Nicole Redmond

4M: Mrs. Fabiola Walls

5J: Mrs. Cathy Lantry and Miss Portia O'Connor (Thursdays)

5M: Mrs. Janice Matthews (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs. Judith Parker (Wed to Friday) 

6J: Miss Sally O’Donoghue

6M: Mr. Samuel Matthews


Learning Support Teachers

Kindergarten: Mrs. Liliana Carter

Year 1: Mrs. Hayley Greenwood

Year 2: Mrs. Shannon Stanizzo

Year 3 and Year 4: Mrs. Melanie Brooks

Year 5 and Year 6: Mr. Michael Barr


Diverse Learning Support Teacher

(for students with a disability)

Mrs. Alex Van Gemert


Creative Art Teachers 

Mrs. Paola Birac

Mrs. Zoe Van Akker



Mrs. Cathy Moore


Senior School Support Officers 

Mrs. Karen Gallagher and Mrs. Margot Riley


School Support Officers

Mrs. Neicha Malys (school office)

Mrs. Cassie Vincent

Mrs. Cathy Bailey

Mrs. Cath Woods

Mrs. Leigh Laxton

Mrs. Nadia Johnson

Mrs. Nicole Parker


In 2021, we welcome three new teachers, Mrs. Pamela Di Domizio, Miss Nicole Redmond and Mrs. Janice Matthews. All are experienced teachers and we look forward to all they with bring to St Joseph's and the students they will teach.


We also welcome back from parental leave, Mrs. Emma Rollestone, and in Term 2 Mrs. Annie Harris.

School Canteen

The school canteen will open from Monday 1 February. The new menu and QuickCliq login details for new users will be provided in the next newsletter.

2021 School Fees

The 2021 Diocesan School Fee Information has been attached for your information.  Fee statements will be forwarded in February 2021.  


If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.