Middle School


Acting Head of Middle School


Last week was my first week as Acting Head of Middle School. I am grateful to be able to work with two such professional and caring Year Level Coordinators, in Dean Damatopoulos and Martin Costello. Their support and reliability have made my transition into this role seamless. I know the wellbeing of students in Middle School is in good hands. I am looking forward to continuing the work started by Haydn Flanagan, my predecessor, and forming relationships with the students and parents as they move through Middle School, and into Senior School. 


Shakespeare Without Tears

‘O Jack and Ebony, wherefore art thou Jack and Ebony’. Year 9 and 10 at Oakleigh Grammar students were treated to an incredible performance by Jack and Ebony, two actors from the ‘Shakespeare Without Tears’ production company. The acting ability that was demonstrated by Jack and Ebony was much appreciated. The sheer enthusiasm and liveliness of the actors engaged their young audience like never before, and exhibited Shakespeare’s 500-year-old play, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in a more contemporary style, while staying true to the original story line.


They used the audience to display the modern take on the play, which was extremely beneficial for both Year 9 as they are studying the original play, and Year 10 students, as they are studying Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation of ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

The fresh interpretation of the play is deemed crucial, as the language from the original play is quite difficult to understand. By having this new take on this beautiful Greek Tragedy will make it easier for our students to grasp the plot, the scene and above all, the hard language.


We would like to thank Jack and Ebony from ‘Shakespeare Without Tears’ for coming to our School and giving our students a performance that shall not be forgotten. We applaud you!

Oakleigh Grammar “shall thank thee, (our gratitude) is as boundless as the sea, parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say goodnight til it be morrow”.


Community Service Project – Year 7

Our Year 7 students have been very busy this term in Pastoral lessons, developing their skills and harnessing their talents; to be able to find ways to serve a need within the community.


At the end of last term, students heard two presentations. Fr. Leonidas Ioannou – Parish Priest of the Presentation of Our Lord, in Coburg; who spoke about how together with their community, they identified the need to feed the homeless and less fortunate. As a result, they have developed an out-reach program called ‘Our Daily Bread’.


Following this presentation, our students heard from their classmate Dante Keddie, who shared his amazing journey in creating a charity called ‘Dante’s Got You Covered,’ and no one was short of amazed by his efforts. Both presentations, inspired our students to begin to look at their strengths, and how they can use those to serve their community. We look forward to our students sharing their work with the School community at a Community Service Expo in Term 4.


Camp- Year 7

Our Year 7 Camp is fast approaching. Please make sure that the appropriate forms are submitted. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any concerns. The Year 7 camp is a great opportunity for our students to challenge themselves and reconnect with nature.


Visit of Archbishop Makarios of Australia to Melbourne

Some of our students in Middle School have had various opportunities to represent our School at events, in honour of Archbishop Makarios’ first visit to Melbourne. A selection of students had the opportunity and blessing to chant hymns and sing various songs at the assembly, in honour of the first pastoral visit of His Eminence to our School. Our students sang melodically and with gusto. Thank you to those students who participated.


We encourage all our students to continue to take up opportunities to sing in choir and support School and Community events.


Digital Parenting Tips

Technology use should be in line with your own family’s values, and already established ground rules. The following tips, strategies and resources for technology use at home, will provide guidance in establishing good behaviours: 

  • Designate specific areas in the home for use of technology tools. You may decide that homework and research must be done outside the bedroom, in a location visible to you. In this case, an adult can monitor technology usage at any moment.
  • Keep iPad/phone/laptop/iPod charger plugged into the wall in a main room. We require that students bring the iPad to School fully charged each day. By leaving the charger plugged in a common area of the house, this ensures the device is not only fully charged, but is left in plain sight at the end of the evening.
  • Set time limits for technology use. You may decide that once homework is complete, there is a set amount of time to use the iPad for other purposes. You may establish a time in the day, say 9 pm, after which the iPad/device must be placed on charge. You may even set a timer on the iPad/device or your own device that alerts you and your child when time is up. If you are looking for a timer app, see Timers for iPad. The Australian Government Activity guidelines suggest that children should have no more than two hours screen time per day, including: t.v, phone, computer etc.