Senior School


Head of Senior School


Everyday we hear another story about someone who has suffered because another has chosen to use what should be a useful tool to communicate, research and share information, in a despicable manner. The use of social media and the Internet has become the coward’s way to express an opinion, without having to look into the eyes of someone else. The continual harassment can have devastating consequences, and has been a major contributor to the significant increase in mental health crises among youth in recent years.


As a School, we develop or participate in programs aimed at educating our students, so that they are more informed and understand the potential outcomes, and how to decrease the impact on their lives. We deal with issues that occur here because another has been mean or placed something on social media that is untrue or cruel. However, it is no longer just a School problem or a home problem, it is an everyone’s problem, and until we all accept responsibility and refuse to take part in the proliferation of such actions by those who hide behind a computer screen, unseen by all, issues with the wellbeing and mental health of our youth will continue to grow.







Teen Mental Health First Aid

The Year 10 students commenced the first of three sessions about Mental Health with Monash Youth Services this week. The session provoked positive and interested responses from the students in attendance. The experiences of their peers concern many students, and there is a genuine desire to understand and learn how to cope with their fears, in addition to the needs of others. It should initiate interesting dialogue at home. If you, as parents, are interested or concerned about any of the subject matter, please let us know.


There are a number of agencies that can provide assistance and information. Some are listed below:


Road Smart

The Year 10 students took the circuit at Sandown Racecourse last Tuesday, for the practical component of the Road Smart Program. Everyone returned safe and sound and perhaps a little more appreciative of the skills required to control a car. Thank you to the staff that accompanied students on the excursion.


Melina Bagnato

Last week Melina Bagnato from ‘Style Me Over’ in Oakleigh, spoke to our Year 12 girls about resilience and self-confidence. The effect of a poorly timed or unthinking remark can have a devastating impact of girls. Many feel judged and suffer from poor self-image.

Melina addressed the power of affirmations and dressing confidently for your body and self-respect, as well as how to work through the ‘mean girl’ comments of others and come out the other side. The students were positive and interested in her presentation, and loved the fashion tips provided at the end. Melina generated a lot of conversation in the Common Room afterwards.



Student Leadership

Year 11 students have been nominated for the prestigious role of School Captain in 2020. They have begun their preparations for their first public address at the Leadership Assembly on September 10th. Staff and student voting will take place shortly after.


I am looking forward to working closely with them over the next few weeks as they draft their speeches. Good luck to all nominees who have already demonstrated their strength of character and desire to lead by completing the nomination form.