ICE - Education Session 

Year 10 Education Session

On Thursday 21st May year 10 students participated in an ICE Education Session, conducted by local youth organisation Word and Mouth and Victoria Police.

The session highlighted the dangers of ICE and how easily a person can become addicted. Jim from Word of Mouth spoke about the ingredients that are in ICE and what a toxic, addictive and dangerous cocktail they are.



Jim pushed home the 'not even once' message very strongly.


Dean Lloyd from Victoria Police spoke about the social and legal consequences of the drug and how the 'pull' of the drug can take away all your choices in life as your sole focus becomes only obtaining the drug, leaving family, friends and work mates in your wake.





Local media agencies were present on the day and you may have seen the write up that was in the Shepparton News the next day with several comments from our students included.


Mark Metcalf

Adolescent Health Nurse