Better Together Alliance Update

A powerful aspect of our ongoing work over the past 15 months in the development of the “Better Together” model has been the links developed with Latrobe University and GOTAFE. 


Yesterday at a special event held at the Harder auditorium at GOTAFE,  we announced the signing of Memorandum’s of Understanding  with both these local post-secondary education and training organisations. 


This important partnership demonstrates a significant level of cooperation and commitment between the four state secondary schools and these two significant education providers to ensure that the young people attending our school have access to programs that are challenging, sustainable and that lead to further education and training. 



Through these MOU’s we are committed to:


1.       Joint planning and development of seamless pathways that will create opportunities for young people.


2.      Working across all of the Alliance Schools with both GOTAFE and Latrobe University to develop specific programmes that will meet the needs of young people and the needs of the emerging economy in Greater Shepparton, in association with key employers, businesses and community agencies.


3.       Ensuring that the programs in place foster learning amongst all young people and two groups in particular, those who have evident high potential and those who at times have challenges in engaging in the study process.




4.      Ensuring that all possible credits between courses are factored into the career advice and accreditation of programs, thus assisting students to gain qualifications.


5.       Deliver a series of specific programs and opportunities that enable young people to utilise both GOTAFE’s and Latrobe’s  staff /resources and expertise to significantly enrich the core programs that the Alliance schools are committed to delivering.


We are determined to be at the forefront of seeking excellence and delivering it for our community. We understand that our collective efforts under the banner of the Alliance will enable us to make positive steps that will enrich the experiences of our students, lead to better outcomes and more confidence in public education.