Classroom News

Room 22
In Room 22, we have been using Ozobots as a part of our STEM lessons. An Ozobot is a little toy robot that teaches students programming. Students use commands by colour, to program the Ozobot to follow. For example, if the squares on the track are coloured blue, red and blue the Ozobot will do an U-turn on the track.
This week is Reconciliation Week. We have been doing lots of different activities. We did a lot of things, from colouring special boomerangs, to making special posters. At the start of the week the whole school went to a special assembly and some of the kindergarten kids came and sang some songs. Then the next activity we did was the boomerang decorating, where we scraped off the black on some boomerangs to make pictures. On the posters we decorated them with Aboriginal symbols and some people wrote some messages. Next, we made feet with special things to do with reconciliation. There are so many things we have done this week so far, and I bet that the other classes have done a whole lot of stuff too! We have had lots of fun doing these activities and also learning about everything.
Room 10 & 11
Rooms 10 and 11, aka The Hive, are working on Geography projects that look out how communities connect with The Port River. As an introduction to the topic, we walked The Loop, taking in information as we went, including creating a visual diary of the historical, recreational, and indigenous features that we came across.
We were lucky enough to be welcomed by one of our beautiful Port River dolphins, which Holly Tolja was able to photograph quite professionally. Some other photographs of the day are also included above, including Hart’s Mill. One of the photographs also shows an example of the summarising the students did using the app Explain Everything.
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came along on the day. We couldn’t do these excursions without you.
Room 4
This term in maths, room 4 has been looking at Australian money. We have made a class shop that sells lots of different things. The children have looked at what Australian notes and coins look like and have made some money for the shop. They have also created catalogues and posters for the shop to show what food we sell and how much things cost. In the catalogues the children sorted the food in different ways including: type of food, colour of the food and the shape of the food. We have had lots of fun role-playing in the shop being shopkeepers and customers!
Room 19
Botanic Gardens and Museum Excursion
This term in Science, students have been examining things that live and grow. As part of this topic, students from rooms 13, 14, 19 and 20 went on an excursion to the Adelaide Museum and Botanic Gardens. At the museum, students looked and studied many different animals and how they adapted and survived in the many different habitats of the planet. Students reported they enjoyed learning about the many different animals, and especially enjoyed the kangaroos. Students also learned about different areas of the globe and developed map reading skills as they learned about different continents and unique native flora and fauna. In the Adelaide Botanic Gardnes, students learned about different types of trees through discovery learning. Students learned about the structures and habitats of different trees and the difference between evergeen and deciduous. Students got the opportunity to see some smaller animals in their natural habitat and also found time to play and enjoy the falling autumn leaves.
Room 5A
Room 5A has had an enjoyable start to Term 2. In literacy, students demonstrated their knowledge of print concepts and made their own illustrated books, employing strategies such as repetition and using animal themes in the style of Eric Carle.
We have been playing many different games in maths to build our numeracy skills. We played a memory game using playing cards where students practised subitising and adding to pair up cards that represented rainbow facts (two numbers that add up to make 10)
In week 5, students were engaged in activities throughout reconciliation week. Students identified the key theme of “togetherness” in response to a shared reading of the picture book “Say Yes” by Jennifer Castles about the 1967 Referendum. Using secondary colours that they had mixed themselves, students painted a picture of the Snake Garden in the school yard, a symbol of the journey to reconciliation. Room 5A also welcomed children from Kura Yerlo preschool and spent the morning creating art projects that allowed us to represent what reconciliation means.
Room 29
Room 29 have been exploring time in Maths. The children recorded significant times of the day. Like when they wake up, eat lunch or go to sports practice. Secondly, children recorded each time in four ways. The event, digital time, analogue time and as a clock face. Finally, the children copied the times on to cards to produce a set of playing cards.
The students played games including Go Fish, Concentration and Snap. The games were a good way to practice and reinforce their knowledge and skills in telling time.