Achievement Awards  

At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.


Room 3 - Willow - For being a responsible class member and helping others

Room 3 - Kaleb - For being kind and respectful to all of his peers

Room 4 - Jayden - For being persistent in all areas of his learning

Room 4 - Sharlene - For being a respectful member of the classroom

Room 5 - Ziah - For being persistent in all learning areas and activities

Room 5 - Declan - For being a respectful class member and always looking after our property

Room 5A - Jaxon - For persistence with participation in classroom activities

Room 5A - Miranda - For persistence with 'having a go' during literacy

Room 10 - Maddie - For taking the responsibility required to continue improving her mathematical understanding

Room 10 - Josh - For having high levels of responsibility in his work as an Environment Officer

Room 11 - Annalise - For taking the responsibility required to continue improving her mathematical understanding

Room 11 - Mitchell - For his persistence in problem solving in mathematics

Room 13 - Jace - For taking responsibility with his learning

Room 13 - Iris - For being kind and respectful to all of her class members

Room 14 - Rose - For being a respectful class member to her peers and staff

Room 14 - Charlie - For being kind and respectful to all of his class members

Room 16 - Rebecca - For being persistent in her reading

Room 16 - Kylam - For showing respect to others at all times

Room 17 - Declan - For his persistence in problem solving in mathematics

Room 17 - Kahlani - For being persistent in all learning areas and activities

Room 19 - Maddi - For showing responsibility and settling into her new school quickly

Room 19 - Byron - For being a persistent learner

Room 20 - Hayden - For showing responsibility in the classroom and being organised and ready to learn

Room 20 - Ayden - For being persistent in all subject areas and always trying to take on challenges

Room 22 - Jasmin - For being persistent in all subject areas and always trying you best

Room 22 - Ashton - For being a respectful class member to his peers and staff

Room 23 - Liam - For taking responsibility for his own behaviour and using kind words to communicate with others

Room 23 - Indi - For being persistent with her reading and as a result she is becoming more fluent

Room 26 - Charli - For showing persistence in all tasks across the curriculum

Room 26 - Avah - For always being respectful to all her peers while taking on a variety of leadership roles

Room 27 - Madi - For being a persistent learner and challenging herself in mathematics

Room 27 - Ronin - For persisting with his reading and challenging himself to read aloud to large groups

Room 29 - Athan - For being persistent while performing Study Ladder tasks

Room 29 - Chloe - For being a responsible class monitor with library books and helping relief teachers

Room 30 - Kohen - For being persistent in all subject areas and always giving new tasks a go

Room 30 - Abby - For taking pride and responsibility in being part of the Largs Bay Problem Solvers

Room 31 - Aiko - For showing persistence with her reading, which has seen her really improve

Room 31 - Harrison - For taking responsibility for his own behaviour

Room 32 - Willow - For always being respectful to all her peers

Room 32 - Reuben - For being helpful and respectful towards his peers

Room 33 - Scarlett - For showing persistence with Improper and Mixed Fractions

Room 33 - Lucas - For showing persistence with her reading, which has seen her really improve


Indonesian - Room 17 - For persistence and hard work in all Indonesian lessons


HASS -  Room 4 - For showing great enthusiasm in learning about how different countries celebrate birthdays


Health - Room 23 - For showing improvement and persistence in health lessons

OSHC Award

Kahlani - Room 17


Principal's Attendance Award

Rome - Room 31
