News From the Principal
Swimming Week 2017
News From the Principal
Swimming Week 2017
Dear families,
Swimming Week
We have just finished an exhausting but rewarding week of swimming for our R–3 classes!!! Thank you to all the parents and families that have attended over the week and also for the extra work put in by the teachers. Special mention to Bob Bowden who organised the Aquatic Centre, buses, yard duties, NIT etc (and attended the pool). The children not only learnt about water safety but also had fun at the same time. Their behaviour was exemplary and we should all be very proud of them.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
A reminder that interviews will be taking place in Weeks 9 & 10. Information will be sent home to all families next Friday (16th June) with details about how to book interview times with teachers. There will be the opportunity to book interview times with other teachers including our NIT specialist teachers. All reports will be distributed at interviews. The interviews are an opportune time to gain valuable feedback about your child as we approach the half way mark of the year. We look forward to seeing as many parents/caregivers attend the interviews as possible.
Parents in Education Week
Parents in Education week promotes and highlights the importance of parents being engaged in their child’s learning and education from birth through school, and to provide practical advice for parents on how to support their child’s learning. This year, Parents in Education Week will be held from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd September. Each evening, expert speakers and panel guests will provide information and strategies relevant to parents and caregivers and educators of children from 0 to 18 years. All events are free. For more information, go to:
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that next Tuesday 13th June is a Pupil Free Day. Of course next Monday is a Public holiday and so students will not return to school until next Wednesday 14th June. All staff will be attending a workshop to support the implementation of a whole school spelling program in 2018. Please note that our OSHC service will be open on the Pupil Free Day.
Nature Play Area
With the help of some very creative Year 5 and 6 students, we are designing an outdoor space for our children. This is the area in Yard B next to the sandpit. A new shade structure has been installed and over the next few weeks paving will be removed from this area. The students involved in the design have been seeking feedback from all students in regards to their wishes and this will be collated in order to provide the best possible design. We will keep you informed as the project develops.
Last year we received a $1m grant to build a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) facility in the existing Green Room. Over the past few weeks, we have been removing furniture etc in readiness for the refurbishment.
At this stage, work should commence at the beginning of July. The carpark at the back of the school (Lincoln Street) will become the builder’s compound and the entrance gate next to the Resource Centre will be blocked off.
Please be aware that once the building commences, this area will be quite congested so patience will be required.
We have also built a storage shed at the back of the Hall to house a lot of the furniture that has to be re-located.
Vacation Care
A reminder that our July Vacation Care program has been released and bookings can now be made.
Once again, it is a very exciting program with both excursions and in-house activities during the 2 weeks.
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Regards Mike Tate