Student Services

Student Services Update

As the 2019 school year comes to an end I would like to acknowledge the work of the student services team that have supported students throughout the year. The student services team in 2019 consisted of Amy Kirkbright (current Chaplain), Andy Phillips (former chaplain), Felicity Pinnuck(SSS social worker), Maggie Lee (Yarra Valley Psychologist), Andrea Ryan (doctor) and Jacqui Wise (nurse).


I would like to take this opportunity to farewell Andrea and Jacqui who are finishing up with the doctors in schools program at Scoresby Secondary College.  They were an integral part of the introduction of the doctors in schools program and will be missed by many students.


The doctors in schools program will continue in 2020 and we welcome Eastlink Family Medical Clinic who will be providing a doctor and nurse. to the college.


Felicity will also be leaving us to go on family leave.   Another  social worker will be provided to the college in 2020.


As the holidays are fast approaching I would like to wish all students, families and the wider community a happy and safe break.


For many, holidays are a time to relax and rejuvenate.  For others, it can be a disruption to their normal routine. I would encourage parents to support their child’s mental health and wellbeing in the following ways:

  • Encourage them to stay connected with friends
  • Encourage them to stay involved (volunteer work, hobbies, clubs, committees or sports)
  • Encourage physical activity
  • Encourage a regular routine
  • Encourage healthy eating habits
  • Encourage play

For more information on any of these suggestions please see the attached Headspace document on supporting your young person during the holidays.


If your child requires support over the holiday period, please refer them to the following services:





I look forward to working with families and students in 2020.


Ms Casey Lawson

Leader of Student Services