Junior School

Junior School Report

Despite the school year coming to an end for 2019, students in the Junior School have maintained their focus on learning and have been busy with completing assessment tasks.


On Friday 22 November, the Year 8 and the Year 9 students completed the last of their four sessions of the Respectful Relationship Challenge Program with a focus on gender-based violence and a recap on previous topics discussed throughout the three previous sessions, coupled with some team building activities and reflections of their involvement in the program.


On Tuesday 26 November, several students in Year 9 – Lachlan Barton, Elijah Aiolupotea Faasoo, Michael Fankhauser and Drew Bondini – as well as Year 10 students  Erin Stirling, Charlie Stirling, Brodie Thomas, Joel Knox and Casey Cooke attended the Wheelchair Basketball Competition at the Knox Basketball Stadium to represent our College against five other schools in the area. Our team competed valiantly and came third – an achievement to be proud of as not only did they represent the College with pride, they were reported to have demonstrated great sportsmanship throughout the day.

On Wednesday 27 November, 45 students in Year 7 spent an entire day on a Science excursion to KIOSC to undertake various workshops related to Biomimicry.  Students completed a number of challenging workshops in pairs and/ or in teams to provide solutions to challenges to topics in Echolocation, Neuromorphic Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Hydromechanics.   A big congratulations to the winners of the ‘Claw Challenge’ – Harrison Voysey, Alicia Thomas and Lola Allain.


On Thursday 28 November, our Year 8 cohort also attended KIOSC to examine how nature has inspired technology and ways that we can create artificial intelligence to help find solutions to combat environmental issues.

Here are the dates for a number of key events taking place over the next two weeks:

  • Gumbuya World excursion: Thursday 12 December
  • Movies & Jump Deck: Monday 16 December

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Students, Parents, Staff and our community partnerships for another productive year. We congratulate all of our students on completing another high school year and we wish everyone a restful break over the summer holidays.


Mr Donovan Lawrence - Year 7 Coordinator

Mr Jake Barnett - Year 8 Coordinator

Ms Su-Nhi Kim -  Year 9 Coordinator

Ms Emily Phibbs - Head of Junior School