Student Awards

Friday 7th February
Foundation Wayde
Congratulations on your first week at school, Wayde! The resilience you have shown in learning new routines and making new friends has been amazing. Keep up the fantastic work!
Foundation Bella
What a fabulous start you have made in Science. You really showed what being a five star learner looks like! You took a lot of pride in your bookwork and showed excellent commitment to your activity.
Junior A Lilly
Lilly, you have been demonstrating that you are a 5 STAR Maths Learner this week. You showed so many ways to problem solve one question. It was very impressive. Keep up the hard work!
Junior B Emma
What a terrific role model you have been, Emma, to our Year 1 class members. You are really showing them what a 5 Star Learner in Juniors look like! Well Done!
Middle A Sienna
What a fantastic start you have made to the year. You have shown great maturity and resilience with your learning this week. It has been great to see you expanding on your ideas when writing.
Middle B Jas
Jas, what a start to grade 3! It has been such a joy to see you show so much resilience throughout the first week back. Whether you are learning a new routine or exploring a new idea, you always stay focused! Well done Jas, I can't wait to see how you grow this year!
Middle C Nate
You wrote an excellent narrative. It effectively used the five senses to create descriptions to engage your audience. Great work!
Senior A Chris
Chris, it has been such a joy to see you showing such resilience in your first week back. You have done this in a positive manner and with such respect, I can’t wait to see how you grow this year.
Senior B Brock
You have made an amazing start to year 6 Brock! Thank you for showing excellence in all areas of your learning and for being a respectful class member ready to help anyone in need. Keep up the great work!
Golbal Studies Cian
You have shown excellence in everything you have done in Global Studies and Ethics this week. It has been fantastic to see you thinking outside the box and helping your fellow students with their understanding of new concepts
Art Cooper
You showed fantastic Excellence in Art this week. You demonstrated a sound understanding of using one colour in a range of media to create a self portrait. I can't wait to see what your creative mind comes up with throughout the term!
PE Riley
You set a great example for your peers by encouraging everyone to participate and to follow instructions in PE. You should be proud of the excellent sporting values you have shown. Well done, Riley!
Friday 14th February
Foundation Thomas
Congratulations on a fantastic start to Foundation! You have been showing both excellence and resilience in all of your learning. Keep up the awesome work Thomas!
Junior A Cohen
Cohen, you have been demonstrating excellent resilience in your learning this year. You have been very focused on your learning and being resilient with all activities. Keep up the hard work!
Junior B Jaxon
Jaxon, you are an excellent role model for our value of respect. On our excursion to the State Library, you were a terrific representative of KPS! Well Done!
Middle A Riley
It has been great to see how you have shown our school value of Excellence during Maths lessons this week! Your concentration and commitment to your learning have helped you to improve your understanding of Place Value.
Middle B Brody
What a fantastic start to Year 4! You have made such a wonderful effort during writing this week. It is reflected in your work being of a high standard. Your commitment to your work and steady focus have helped you improve your understanding of procedural writing. Well done Brody!
Middle C Shae
You have put excellent effort into all of your work, always staying on task and getting things done to a good standard. Keep up the great effort, Shae!
Middle C Jayden
It's fantastic to see the effort and persistence you are showing with your reading. You are achieving some amazing results! Well done, Jayden!
Senior A Edward
Edward, you have shown excellence in your maths learning this week when working on rounding numbers. It was great to see the resilience you showed when working with numbers in the millions!
Senior B Levi
Levi, I am so impressed with the high standard of work you have produced this week. It has been wonderful to see you documenting your daily reading and taking responsibility of your own learning. Keep up the great work!
Science Xzavier
What a fantastic start to Science you have made to the year. Your excellent commitment to learning about the 5 senses really has made you a five star learner! Well done on your contributions to the class thinking chart.
Art Bella
You demonstrated a keen desire to experiment with watercolour paint. You trialled using tube, pencil and palette paints on wet and dry paper, resulting in a colourful range of effects. You showed Excellence when painting your 3D sphere. I can't wait to see you develop your skills this term!
PE Ethan
You set a great example for your peers by encouraging everyone and being a great helper in PE. Well done, Ethan!