Specialist Team News

Global Studies and Ethics
We had another productive and busy two weeks in Global and Ethics. The senior students have been working on creating role plays on the topic of 'Should Australia Day Date be Changed?' They have been researching the issues, discussing these in class and then writing and performing their feelings and ideas in a fun and creative manner. They have also been learning about individual differences and how it is a good thing that we are all different to each other. We have discussed how to treat people who are different to ourselves with respect, even when we do not agree with the ideas and values of others. The students had a good understanding of the problems and difficulties of what happens when we are disrespectful to others.
The Middle School students have been looking at why rules are important in games and in society as a whole. They have been creating their own games with rules and we will be playing these next week, which I am excited about!
The Junior students and Foundation students have been looking at the difference between good and bad. We have been discussing how sometimes we might see things differently to how another person might see something. We have also discussed how we feel when someone does something bad. The students have made and acted out role plays about being in a bad situation and how it was resolved and made good again.
If you have any questions or suggestions in regards to this program or your child, please feel more than welcome to come and have a chat with me.
Kym Wallace
Visual Arts
What a creative week we have had in the art room. All students have been working on becoming familiar with routines and expectations when it comes to setting and packing up our work stations.
Foundation students learnt about primary colours and experimenting mixing them to create secondary colours. They painted coloured birds and tested out their marker skills by adding wings, beaks and legs. Next, they move on to painting with different colours and textures.
Junior School learnt how to change the value of a colour (the darkness) by using different techniques to apply charcoal and grey lead pencil. They learnt how to shade from light to dark using a value bar and by pressing light or heavy. They experimented using cross hatching, scribbles and zig zags to create a range of effects. Next, they move on to using different lines to create realistic drawings inspired by artist Brian Commerford.
Middle School learnt about primary and secondary colours and experimenting mixing colours to create new colours. They have been working hard to finish off their stain glass window artworks which will be finished with marker next week. Next, they move on to learning that colour and texture of paint can be changed by adding and using certain materials to create a 'Kapow' picture.
Senior School learnt about watercolour paints and applied them using different techniques. They changed the effect by using salt, tissue blotting, rice, crayon resist, splatter, water drops, plastic wrap and transparency. Next, they move on to using line to create a realistic animal drawing inspired by artist Olga Shvartsur.
Mrs Bertrand
We're well under way now with our Science topics for the term! Students are getting into the swing of PBS in the lab. Lab groups mean co-operative working and this is being consistently demonstrated. In addition to that, the students are re-familiarising themselves with the science enquiry method. They are asking the important question, forming a hypothesis and testing it to find the answer. Students are working towards using a variety of methods to record their observations and findings.
Foundation has continued to learn about what organisms need to stay alive. This week they tested what happens to their own bodies before and after exercise. They found their lungs have to work harder during exercise and that they were puffed afterwards! They recorded their observations in a drawing.
Junior School students have been observing real creatures in the lab and have proven they are very capable of caring for their critter friends. They are following a strict code of care, developed in one of their initial lessons. Following observations of earthworms and snails, the students have completed accurate drawings. Some students are beginning to label and annotate as well, which is very pleasing.
Middle School students have been investigating flowering plants. They have examined a cross-section of a bean seed and completed a carefully constructed drawing. Using correct scientific terms the students have labelled their diagram as well. This week the students embarked on the next big question: What does a growing bean seed look like? To answer this they have planted a seed in a plastic cup and will observe growth over the next couple of weeks. Students will keep a diary to note what happens.
Senior Students have been working to investigate all sorts of things about deserts. This week they investigated camouflage. Using confetti students behaved like prey to 'hunt' as many pieces of confetti as possible, with some confetti being the same colour as the background and some being very different. Students hypothesised that the confetti of the same colour as the background would be more difficult to find and most groups found this to be the case.
We've had another fun and productive fortnight in PE at KPS! Our theme across the school is 'games for fun and fitness'. Students are working on ball-handling skills and tactics/strategies to employ in mini games.
Foundation have continued to develop their ball-handling skills using bean bags. They have practised throwing and catching, individually and in pairs, and throwing a bean bag to a target such as a hoop.
Junior school students have been learning ball-handling skills involving sending, receiving and travelling. They have practised throwing and catching using large balls and began to work on their dribbling skills.
Middle school students have continued to develop their ball-handling skills by focusing on different types of passes - chest passes, bounce passes and overhead passes. They have also practised throwing to a target.
Senior school students have been employing their dispossession skills in mini-games, and are practising the strategy of evading and marking an opponent on the court.
District swimming trials
District swimming trials are being held on 25 February 2020 at Kilsyth Centenary Pool. A reminder to those students who are participating that they must arrive at the pool by 7:30am ready on deck for a 7:45am start. Parents must accompany their children and it is expected that the trials will be completed by around 8:45-9am.
Calling all tennis superstars!
There is an opportunity for elite tennis players from our school to be nominated for a position in the Division Tennis Trials. The trials are part of a pathway that leads to students representing Victoria at the National Championships. The standard is obviously very high - nominated students must play competitively at a high level. If this is you, please let Mr Roscoe know!