Primary News

PrepL & Prep/1 A Report
Prep/1 A had an enjoyable day at the Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium. There was so much to see and our students were very excited to see a variety of sea creatures. They were very eager to hold a sea star and feel the top of it, only to find that they were actually touching the sea star’s bottom. For some of our students the penguins were the highlight of the day, and for some it was the weedy sea dragons and the sea horses.
1/2L Report
The last term of the year is going to be packed with excitement for the class.
Our first STOMP lesson was this week and all the students were fantastic at learning the moves.
We are looking forward to our Myuna Farm visit with the Preps and Prep/1s and in a couple of weeks, we will join the 3s and 4s in a Taskworks incursion!
In Maths, we are still working on division concepts and will soon be learning about money.
In Reading we have been learning about how to understand what we are reading through inference, which is being able to “read between the lines”.
In writing we are encouraging students to analyse their own writing in order to improve.
In Science, we are investigating mixtures of all kinds.
Mrs Lilburne - Class Teacher
3M & 4S Report
Another busy term begins!
Welcome back to Miss DiPetta after an extended holiday. We have all missed your smiling face.
We are excited to begin our Stomp lessons in preparation for the end of year concert.
In Maths, we are playing games, practising chants and songs to memorise times tables. We are also focussing on division and angles.
New reading groups begin this week, there is much excitement about moving reading levels and working with a new group of students and teachers.
Writing this term began with a recount about the holidays and we are now focusing on persuasive writing.
Our Integrated Studies and Science topics this term revolve around design and technology. We are investigating different types of packaging and learning about design jobs and the technology needed to do the job.
We have one more interesting incursion planned for next month. The permission forms will be out next week.
Thanks again for your support,
Mrs McPhie and Ms DiPetta - Class Teachers
4/5N Report
It’s been a very busy few weeks in our grade 4/5 classroom! Stomp has begun and we are in the middle of practising our dance. Last week we took part in our final Gala Day with students participating in sports such as OSH Rounders, footy, soccer and cricket.
All students did exceptionally well with the girls soccer team undefeated and taking home the cup! This week our students took part in a group challenge to build a bridge using wooden skewers, newspaper and tape. It was a fun group activity, part of our term’s design and technology study about bridges.
Ms Naylor - Class Teacher
5B Report
Grade 5B started the term out with a bang at the Fourth Gala Day. We entered teams in Soccer 5’s, AFL, Osh Rounder and Cricket. As usually our students displayed outstanding sportsmanship, and everybody thoroughly enjoyed their day. A big shout out to the girls Soccer 5’s team who won their division.
Our concert will be held at the end of this term and students started their Stomp practice this week. For a copy of the music each class will need to practise the dance at home, please send a USB to school with your child so we can save a copy for them.
Our Integrated unit this year is based around the Design and Technology curriculum. We started the unit with a fun team building activity requiring students to work in two teams and create half a bridge each with a screen between the teams. Students demonstrate excellent communication and teamwork skills throughout the session.
Ms Bishop - Class Teacher
5/6Z Report
This term, we are doing a Design and Technology unit based on bridges. As a start, students worked in groups to build a bridge using connecting blocks. Each group was then divided in to 2 smaller groups. One group were the ‘leads’. They built one half of the bridge, with a student acting as Speaker – to tell the other group what they were doing. Their aim was to construct 2 identical halves of a bridge that would stand up and meet correctly.
The students had a lot of fun and it became a valuable exercise in, not only bridge construction, but effective and clear communication as well.
Mrs Zelazo - Class Teacher
6E Report
It has already been a very hectic beginning to the term. Last week we had our final Gala Day for the year. Students participated in Osh Rounders, Cricket, Soccer and AFL. We were lucky enough to have our girl’s soccer team win their competition. They were very proud to bring the trophy back to school.
This week we have had fun in the classroom building bridges. Students had to work with a partner and with a barrier between them, they had to communicate clearly to create a bridge that met in the middle. The students were very aware of how challenging it is to give and listen to clear instructions. The bridge building activity was an introduction to our Integrated Studies unit for the term, which has a technology focus. Students will be learning about the construction of different bridges and at the conclusion they will need to put their learning towards constructing a bridge that meets specific criteria. Coming up, to support students understanding of construction we have a fabulous incursion coming up which involves working with wood.
We also began STOMP rehearsal this week in preparation for our concert in December. We will be busily practising our dance in amongst all of the day to day work we normally do.
It is an extremely important term for our grade 6 students as they start preparing to transition to Secondary school. We will be giving students time to work on their Passports during class. We will also start preparing for the grade 6 graduation. This is coming up on Tuesday 18th December. We will also be having a special grade 6 graduation excursion on Thursday 20th December. Details about this will be coming out soon.
Mrs Elias - Class Teacher
STEM Report
Marble Rollercoasters
This term students in PL, P/1A and 1/2L will be creating their own rollercoaster for a marble. Students will work in teams to build, test and improve a path or track for a marble to follow. Students have been challenged to try and include one section of their track that travels up hill. Students will be learning about gravity, speed and how the slope affects it while completing their rollercoaster.
Mini Golf
This term students in 3M and 4S will be creating their own miniature mini golf course! Students will work in teams to design, build, test and improve their own miniature golf hole. The extra challenge will be to have moving parts to make their golf hole even more challenging!
Arcade Fever
This term students in 4/5N, 5B, 5/6Z and 6E will be creating their own arcade inspired game! Students will work in teams to design, build, test and improve their own working cardboard arcade game. The ideas have already started flowing and the room was buzzing with ideas. First students will have to create a full set of blueprints with measurements and then they will move on to building. I expect there will be lots of test runs and improvements to be made and it will test their problem solving abilities.
It should be an exciting and challenging term!
MATERIALS NEEDED: Please collect:
Cardboard boxes (cereal, muesli bar etc)
Cardboard rolls from gladwrap/paper towel
Plastic containers (yogurt, margarine, etc)
These materials are being used up quickly, so please collect them and bring to the STEM room.
Mrs Braybon - STEM Teacher
Gala Day
The last Gala Day was held on Friday 12th October. The grade 5 and 6 students participated in 4 sports – Soccer 6s, OSH Rounders, Cricket and AFL 9s. All teams and students worked fantastically on the day!
The Girls Soccer team had a great day, winning their tournament. The six students, Holly, Talisha, Anita, Nurija, Honey and Alexandra, worked together and supported each other to win each match they played, including the grand final. The girls were super excited to achieve such a feat and were extra excited when they realised they had a won a trophy – which will go on display at school!
Congratulations to all students who participated on the day!
Primary Art Report
Prep/1 – The Prep/1 students have been learning about warm and cool colours. Also looking at patterns in artwork. They created a ‘cool’ water colour background, and a ‘warm’ watercolour fish with black marker patterns.
1/2 – Grade 1 and 2 students have been learning how to draw people. Looking at artwork containing people in different positions, looking different ways and how artists draw clothing.
Grade 3 and 4 – Students have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh. Grade 3 students are recreating ‘Starry Night’, and Grade 4 students are recreating ‘Sunflowers’.
Grade 4/5 Students are looking at Australian artists that create portraits in a range of different art styles. They will then create a portrait of their choice using torn paper.
Grade 5 – Students in grade 5 are learning how to create an outer space artwork piece. They are learning how to create implied form, movement and depth in their artwork.
Grade 5/6 – Students have looked at artwork containing Australian landmarks. Then choosing one of their own to recreate with a lead pencil. Learning how to sketch lightly, use a ruler, shade, smudge, cross hatch, erase etc.
Grade 6 – Students are learning about Pablo Picasso. Looking at his abstract, cubist style and creating a self portrait in the style of Picasso.
Mrs McAleer - Art Teacher