Secondary News

Assistant Principal's Report
A reminder to all our community that the college campus uniform shop is open every Thursday morning before school. At all other times parents can purchase from the central store.
Stocks of the old uniform are running very low and will soon be finished. The college introduced a new uniform in 2018 with great uptake. This new uniform will be compulsory for everyone by 2020 or until stocks of the old uniform are no longer available. We strongly encourage parents to buy the new uniform now - the quality and therefore longevity of the garments make it a better long term choice.
College Blazers
These are only available from the college front office. Blazers can be purchased Monday to Friday at a cost of $120.00. The college blazer is a compulsory part of the new uniform and must be worn to and from school. We do not require a summer or winter uniform, students can wear either all year or choose to have a summer ensemble and a winter one.
A reminder to all parents that new and old uniform cannot be mixed. Students are to wear the old or the new. The only exception is the maroon wool blend jumper that is part of the old and the new uniform.
The college tie is now back in stock!
Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Ms Spina - Assistant Principal
Year 7 Report
Term 4 is a very hectic and busy term, the year is going by so fast and before we know it you will be starting new year 8 classes and work. With this in mind I encourage all students and parents/ guardians to keep an eye on due work, ensure all homework is completed on time and be prepared for any upcoming assessments. It is not the time of the year to fall behind and with reports about to be written it is important that all students are showing teachers what they are capable of.
On reports, I would ask parents or guardians to be looking at these and having meaningful discussions with our students. Reports are an important part of communication between teachers and families and it can show how well a person is going and also what needs to be improved on.
If any parent or guardian feels that they would like more feedback on their reports or would like some follow up information after parent teacher interviews, I encourage you to contact your child's teacher or to contact myself. I am always happy to have a meeting with you regarding your child's education and learning.
With the weather getting warmer, can I still remind all that blazers are compulsory to be warn to and from school. If the child feels the need to take it off at school, then they can do this but we advise them to fold it nicely and place it in their lockers. if the student is wearing the white collared shirt, then the tie is to be warn as well.
Please contact me if you have any concerns.
Mr Antony - Year 7 Coordinator
Year 8 Report
Welcome back to everyone after the term 3 break. Hopefully the Year 8 students are rested and ready for the last term of the school year. It is hard to believe term 4 is here already. Typically this is always a busy term as we work towards the end of this school year and plan for the new school year. This term promises to be a busy one as we consolidate and extend our student’s learning.
Year 8 students will be involved in course selections over the next couple of weeks. This will be an exciting time for them as they start to think about the future and the subject areas they are interested in.
Coming up there is a science excursion to the Museum to investigate Rocks and a Positive Relationships Day which all students will be involved in.
It has been noted that there are still a number of students coming to school in garments that are not school uniform. Parents, we need to stress that wearing the correct uniform is compulsory and if you require assistance with accessing uniform please contact me. Every student should be in the correct Carwatha College uniform every day.
Finally, every student is at a different point on their learning journey, every student can strive to be the best that they can. Success is not always measured by the number of ‘A’s on a report, but more by whether a student is progressing and moving ahead in their learning. This takes respect, excellence, teamwork and commitment – the values our school is based upon.
Mrs Rentzis - Year 8 Coordinator
Year 9 Report
We have now come close to the end of the year. Some exciting and somewhat scary moments lay ahead. Next week students will engage in excursions to enhance their ability to connect classroom theory with real world experiences. The history excursion at the Shrine of Remembrance will focus on the sacrifice and consequences of World War One and a visit to the Royal Botanical Gardens will tie in understandings of indigenous cultures in Victoria.
Students will also travel to the city to visit a youth homelessness centre and learn more about services provided to help the destitute and disadvantaged members of Melbourne. In a month, year 9 students will undergo examinations to round off their year 9 academic year.
Following this, they will begin their VCE studies by attending their orientation week classes. No doubt this opportunity will bring mixed feelings of apprehension and excitement. I have full faith that our year level will approach the remainder of the year with the same maturity they have had throughout the year.
Good luck everyone!
Mr Kwong - Year 9 Coordinator
Year 10 Report
As we fast approach the end of the school year, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate students for their perseverance and dedication, but also remind everyone to continue maintaining their focus for the next five weeks. Please take note of the following important dates:
19th of October: Year 10 excursion to Fun Fields, Whittlesea
12th to 16th of November: Unit 2 exam period
19th to 23rd of November: Orientation week for 2019
26th of November to 7th of December: Year 10 Work Experience
Please note that the first week of Work Experience (26/11-30/11 is mandatory for all Year 10 students; students may choose whether they complete a second week.
Mr Willis - Year 10 Coordinator
Year 11 Report
Year 11 students have a lot coming up and a busy Term ahead. Please take note of dates below:
- Year 11 girls boot camp- Wed, 24th Oct (periods 4 and 53)
- Year 12 final assembly- Wed 24th Oct, 10.00 am
- Fit 2 Drive- Thursday, 25th Oct (periods 1-3)
- Unit 3/4 Exams - 31st Oct to 21st Nov
- Unit 1/2 exams – 12th to 16th Nov
- V3 Orientation week- 19th to 23rd Nov
Mrs Bawa - Year 11 Coordinator
Year 12 Report
Students studying Unit 3/4 subjects are in exam and revision preparation mode. These students should be revising study notes, completing multiple practice exams to test their knowledge and ensure they are seeking teacher feedback about their progress.
Students in Year 11 studying Unit 3 and 4 subjects will still have classes with their teachers after the year 12s finish. It is compulsory for Year 11 students to attend their 3/4 classes in the lead-up to exams. Year 12 students are encouraged to attend classes in the lead-up to their exam.
Key dates for Senior School:
Tuesday 23rd October: Final day of formal classes for year 12 students
Wednesday 24th October: Year 12 farewell assembly and morning tea (10:00am-12:00pm)
Wednesday 31st October (LOTE oral presentations scheduled mid-October)–Wednesday 21st October: Unit 3 and 4 exams
Monday 12th – Friday 16th November: Unit 1 and 2 exams
Monday 19th – 23rd November: V3 Orientation Week
Tuesday 27th November: Year 12 valedictory
Monday 26th November – Friday 7th December: Year 12 work experience
Good luck to our senior students as they head into the exam period!
Mrs Hudson - Year 12 Coordinator
Science Report
Term 4 is an exciting time for our science students. Year 7 student will be studying Space. They will investigate the seasons in terms of the tilt of the earth’s axis and model the relative movements of the sun, earth and moon.
Year 8 students will be attending the museum later in the month, to consolidate their learning about Rocks. They have also been looking at energy and the impact it has on their lives.
Year 9 students will be investigating heat and conducting experiments to further cement their understanding of conduction, convection and radiation.
Mrs Rentzis - Science Coordinator
Year 7 Ancient Day
What was life like in Ancient Rome and Greece? Students had a great time finding out during their recent Ancient Day activity. Students learnt about society, war, soldiers, culture, games and the origins of the Olympic Games. Students tested their skills as Hoplites and Spartans.
Students had the opportunity to try on soldiers uniforms and realised the soldiers had to be strong to wear the helmets and carry the weapons.
Mrs Ryan - Year 7 & 8 History Teacher
Year 8 Medieval Day
Students recently had a great time learning about life in medieval times. They learnt about society, games, weapons, crimes and punishment. Students had the opportunity to dress up in armour and challenge the knight in a battle!
Mrs Ryan - Year 7 & 8 History Teacher
Regional Athletics Competition
On October 11th, Angie Baika, Mackenzie Ho, Paul Saba, Kevin Lomuro and Kur Lueth took part in the regional athletics competition at Casey Fields Stadium. All of the students should be congratulated on their performances and were a credit to the college.
Particular congratulations should go to Mackenzie in winning the U14 Discuss competition and she will now compete at the state championships. Kevin finished a very close 2nd in his U14 400m race and gained the silver medal. Well done everyone!!
Mr Gibney - PE Coordinator