Classroom News
Bahasa Indonesia
This term we have been reading and looking at a traditional Indonesian story called ‘Asal Usul Bunyi Nyamuk’ or ‘How The Mosquito Got Its Sound’. We read the story in Indonesian and had a go at using what we already knew to work out what the story was about. Even though there were a lot of new words, we could get the general idea of what the story was about.
Some classes have been practising their counting skills by making number caterpillars. They are bagus sekali!
Bu Chish
Room 14
In Room 14 this term we have been exploring measurement. We have investigated length and capacity with a focus on collaboration and reflection. It has been an interesting concept to learn and students have been highly engaged.
We have asked questions about why and how things have happened, made connections with everyday examples and challenged ourselves and others.
STEM: Ozobot Racetrack Investigation in Room 23
The students in Room 23 have been using their problem solving and computational thinking skills to program an Ozobot by developing a range of codes to command the Ozobot to complete their racetrack.
We had to:
· Use our critical thinking skills to develop a simple code for Ozobot to complete.
· Compromise and work as a team to solve a situation using technology.
· Build on our interdependence, social and emotional skills as we took on different roles and worked together to persist, problem solve, trial and error.
· Develop and use a growth mindset to work through challenges
HASS – Rooms 32 & 33
This term our classes have been working together to learn about the First Fleet. We have investigated life in 18th Century Britain and have discovered the different causes and effects that contributed to the First Fleet’s journey.
We used information to recreate the journey of the First Fleet and have learnt about what conditions were like on board the ships. We used our senses to describe what it would have been like to travel on the First Fleet and created a senses poem. Here are just a few of our poems.
Room 16
Room 16 have be learning about how to collect and represent data. This week, students designed their own focus question to ask the class. Once students had collected their data, they organised the information into a column graph and presented their finding to the class. The results sparked some interesting discussions, such as why so many students love cookies and cream ice cream , why someone in our class has 23 pets and what is so great about Pikachu!