Achievement Awards  

At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.


Room 3 - Willow - For being persistent and always trying her best

Room 3 - Xavier - For being a kind and respectful member of our class

Room 4 - Aubrey - For being a respectful member of the classroom

Room 4 - Angus - For showing persistence with his handwriting

Room 5 - Korben - For being a persistent learner and trying his best in writing

Room 5 - Aiden - For taking responsibility of his own actions and learning

Room 5A - Summer - For being a responsible and respectful class member

Room 5A - Liam - For persistence in writing

Room 10 - Charlotte - For showing persistence in mathematics

Room 10 - Ayrlie - For persistence in all learning areas

Room 11 - Nick - For demonstrating the persistence required to produce quality exposition writing

Room 11 - Jorja - For more frequently demonstrating responsibility for her own learning

Room 13 - Edward - For showing a high level of responsibility in all areas of school life

Room 13 - Riki-Lee - For being a kind and respectful member of our class

Room 14 - Jack - For setting high expectations for his learning and showing persistence to get there

Room 14 - Milly - For always being an extremely kind and compassionate class member

Room 16 - Harry - For improving his writing skills and always having a go

Room 16 - Willow - Working hard and improving her reading skills

Room 17 - Alycia - For persisting with her learning goal this term

Room 17 - Thomas - For being a responsible and respectful class member

Room 19 - Byron - For working persistently through his sight words

Room 19 - Zahra - For being a responsible class member

Room 20 - Violet - Demonstrating persistence and speaking more confidently in front of an audience

Room 20 - Billy - Demonstrating persistence and confidence in his reading and dictation

Room 22 - Ella - For working hard and persisting in all subject areas

Room 22 - Kai - For being a persistent learner and trying his best in writing

Room 23 - Ken - For demonstrating persistence with his handwriting

Room 23 - Stella - For always being a kind and respectful member of Room 23

Room 26 - Jude - For displaying persistence in regulating his own behaviour and displaying leadership skills when participating in school sports

Room 26 - Dajah - For making responsible choices in regards to her own learning

Room 27 - Taya - For constantly showing respect and kindness to all peers and teachers

Room 27 - Dominic - For taking responsibility of his learning and behaviour choices

Room 29 - Olivia - For displaying persistence in all camp activities

Room 29 - Amber - For displaying persistence in all camp activities

Room 30 - Charlize - For showing persistence in all subject areas

Room 30 - Carter - For showing persistence in all his subject

Room 31 - Caitlin - For having an outstanding attitude towards all aspects of school

Room 31 - Lachlan - For having a positive attitude towards learning

Room 32 - Max - For being a responsible camp participant

Room 32 - Lucy - For displaying persistence in all camp activities

Room 33 - Bethany - For being responsible for starting her class work straight away

Room 33 - Isaac - Showing respect around the classroom at all times


Indonesian - Room 22 - For being responsible and persistent learners


HASS - Room 30 - For great use of historical facts when writing newspaper articles about the explorers, Burke and Wills.


Health - Room 3 - For showing persistence when learning about trust

OSHC Award


Jarvis - Room 4

For always being kind and showing Persistence at OSHC

Principal's Attendance Award


Lachie M – Room 3​