From the Principal


Noel Davies, David Weil and Sholto Bowen at the Anzac Day assembly

Thought for the week

How you make others feel says a lot about who you are. Leave them with a smile, a hug and a kind thought.



So much of our lives are wrapped up in relationships; relationships at home, at work, at school. Relationships on the sports field and relationships between partners, friends and even enemies. Relationships come from a premise of separation; that you and I are separate entities – and that is certainly how it seems to be. The senses would tell us constantly that you are over there and I am over here. That he or she is different to me and that he or she has more or less than me, is better looking or uglier than me and is smarter than me or not as smart as me. We spend our lives comparing ourselves to one another, comparing our children to other children and our ‘success’ or otherwise to others.

What a waste of time!

We are all individualised expressions of one infinite divine Mind.

When we realise that we are inseparable, are all a part of one whole, one complete idea that is unified then we will understand that what affects one, affects all. That being unkind to someone else is being unkind to ourselves. Giving to another is giving to ourselves; loving another is loving ourselves. Making others feel good about who they are makes us feel good about ourselves. Namaste!


Our political leaders are currently trying to tell us why we should give them a job, and why they will now do for us what they should have been doing already ... or that is how it seems. It is sometimes hard to see through all the huff and puff to what the real intention is.

Leadership is challenging at the best of times and the key to having followers is a clear vision of where you are going and why you are going there. I wish you all the best in your deliberations about who to vote for in a few weeks’ time.


For the last 10 years Huntingtower has been in Division One of the EISM Athletics Competition. We compete against the large schools in the EISM, most of them with more than double our number of students. This Thursday our Athletics Team took part in the EISM Athletics Carnival and I was so proud of them all. Everyone did their part in ensuring that Huntingtower would maintain its position. I am pleased to be able to share that we came sixth out of the 21 schools in the competition and have retained our position in Division One. Grateful thanks to Ms Carly Buhagiar for her organisation and motivation of the Athletics Team.


As you will be aware, we achieved 15 perfect scores in last year’s VCE results. We are very pleased to be able to share with you the exciting news that we have received 4 Premier’s Awards emanating from these results. The subject areas are English, History, Physical Education and Japanese. The names of the recipients are embargoed until 3 June and I will share the students’ and their teachers’ names in a future bulletin.


Sholto Bowen    OAM
