A Message from Lisa ....

Principal News

Welcome back to the start of Term 2.  Term 2 is always a busy term with interschool sport, NAPLAN, assessments, reports, various excursions/incursions and parent/teacher/students conferences so we hope everyone has had a relaxing holiday.


Online Lunch Orders

We have found a company that are able to do lunch orders for us one day a week (Wednesdays) starting next week.  If you would like to use this service you do so completely online.  There is a menu attached to this newsletter and a hard copy will be sent home early next week.  All you need to do is order before 8:30am each Wednesday morning.  Orders can also be placed in advance.  All orders are the same price regardless of what you order.  A 2 Course Lunch is $8.95 and a 3 Course Lunch is $10.35.  If you have any questions about this service please contact Classroom Cuisine directly.  This is purely a service for families as a result of feedback we've received, this is not a fundraising activity.


Uniform Reminder

Just a reminder to everyone that sports skirts, jeans and black pants are not part of our uniform.  Navy tights or leggings may be worn under the winter dress.


Maths Olympiad

An enthusiastic group of mathematicians in Grade 5 & 6 have decided to challenge themselves academically by registering to be part of the Altona Green Maths Olympiad Team. The students commit one lunchtime a week to work with Cameron on developing their problem solving strategies in a supportive and collaborative environment.


The main aims of the Maths Olympiad are to:

  • Introduce students to important mathematical concepts
  • Teach major strategies and develop flexibility for problem solving
  • Foster creativity and ingenuity and strengthen intuition
  • Stimulate enthusiasm and enjoyment of mathematics
  • Provide for the satisfaction, joy and thrill of meeting challenges

There are five quizzes that are held throughout Terms’ 2 and 3 and we are looking forward to hearing further updates on the progress of our team.


Heartkids Australia

Hi, my name is Logan, I am 6 years old and am in grade 1D.

I really like riding my bike and on Sunday 31st March I rode in the MS Melbourne Cycle.

I rode my bike 30km around Melbourne and got to ride over the Westgate Bridge - It was really fun.

I have a heart condition and had heart surgery when I was little and am really proud to be a 'Heartkid', so I decided to raise money for Heartkids Australia so I could help other kids.

Thank you to everyone who helped me raise $1,200.  I also raised some money for people with Multiple Sclerosis.


See Our School Zone Online

The Department has released a new website that helps parents identify their local public school online.

Findmyschool.vic.gov.au launched on 23 April and shows every school zone across the state. The new website highlights the choice of public schools available to the Victorian community.


If your child is preparing to enter Year 7 and want to know more about the public secondary school options in our area, or you know someone who is interested in enrolling at our school, try findmyschool.vic.gov.au today.


If you have a question about the website, contact the Victorian School building Authority Hotline on 1800 896 950 or email vsba@edumail.vic.gov.au


Woolworths earn & learn  -  (1st May - 25th June)

Once again we are participating in the Woolworths earn & learn program.  If you shop at Woolworths please collect the stickers, place them on the sticker sheet and place in the boxes provided in the school office foyer.  The more completed sticker sheets we have, the more free equipment we'll be able to receive for our students.  Sticker sheets are available at the office.