Our 'Living & Learning' Project

Curiosity's Living & Learning Project

I hope that you have had the chance to view our 'Living and Learning' Project documentation in the entry.  This document is a fluid document that reflects the educators observations of the rich engagement our children are having at Curiosity.  Some of our documentation is being published for you to view on our entry walls, so I do encourage you to stay a little longer in the mornings or arrive a little earlier to view the wonderful learning journeys our children are on.  We would love to hear from you as to your reflection on each of the projects.  Post it notes and pens are made available for you to add your comments onto the documents you read.  These can be located in the top drawer of the entry hall. 


Each child at Curiosity has their own 'Learning Journey' folder.  This folder contains detailed observations and evidence of engagement within the ELC.  These folders are not 'busy' folders that collate various art samples as such, but contain pieces of work that truly reflect your child's learning.


Over the past few weeks we have continued to see our community of children continue to take ownership of our space and offer assistance to each other in taking care of the environment and each other.  Our garden is slowly transforming with new plants being planted and cared for by the children, setting up and packing up of resources being part of our daily routine and moments of deep questioning as to what idea could be the best one for right now. 


We believe that children are extremely capable and competent and it is part of our responsibility as the educators to promote independence in these areas for them to gain greater confidence in attaining new skills.  Each day presents an exciting opportunity to see our children not just participate, but flourish in community.  Our hope is that you are seeing your child grow in confidence at Curiosity.